Tuesday, July 17, 2012

We're what now?

Don't mind me poking my head in here, but I want to derail this onto a semi-serious topic. Have you guys considered that you are role models for the scion community? How do you both feel about that?

Anne's answer
Hmm... is role model the right term? We certainly try to create useful things, provide useful information and have fun and creative discussions, but lots of people do those things. I guess it's more that we (or I - I guess I shouldn't speak for John since I haven't asked him and he's embroiled in an MMO at the moment) want to do as much awesome for the community as it does for us, and that's a lot of awesome to measure up to.

Speaking of which, back into my writer's dungeon.

John's answer
Hrm. I have to agree role models is a strange word. Maybe? If I saw our work spawning many more people working on Scion rules that tried to stay as core to the mythology and balance as we did, yes. However, I'm not sure I see that. It seems most of our "fans" fall into two catagories. Those who see our work and are happy to adapt their games and use it as written, and those who like some of our work, but disagree with our hardline mythology stance and change our work for what we consider "the worse". I'm not sure either of those groups would tout us as "role models".

I don't mean to sound cocky when I use this word, but a more appropriate word, I would imagine would be "celebrity." We're in the spotlight, some people like to agree or disagree with us, and hopefully sometime, somewhere, we're inspiring someone else to follow in our footsteps.

As an actor and ex-star athlete, this is something I'm fairly accustomed to, but it's also something that Anne does not, generally, enjoy. (She does love getting praise about writing, website design and character sheet design, so feel free to cover her in that).

I generally see it as a neat side effect of making the best game possible for our players, and Anne's need to get everything up on the website perfectly (otherwise all my players would have to find the rules in tiny notebooks scattered about my house). If another side effect was eventually we were actually able to make some semblance of a living off game design, or Scion, that would be awesome. But until then it's just a nice thing that is happening.

(and a place I can rage at people without threat of being banned from anywhere)


  1. Hahhaa, we could make a game out of figuring out which celebrities you are.

    Anne is Gwyneth Paltrow?
    John is Dennis Rodman?

  2. I do really like your decision to stay close to the hardline mythology! It's for that reason that I am desperately awaiting details on your Titans.

  3. I'm your biggest fan! I'd wear a John and Anne T-Shirt :)

    1. Where's the one about how Anne defeated you with JSTOR?

    2. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-RYbQvkufbCo/UAiBgCHV19I/AAAAAAAAAXQ/NirlDzdEtrs/s640/MalkbunnyShirt_2.jpg

      I made an Anne shirt.
