Sunday, July 1, 2012

Here Comes the Sun

Question: What's your view on Tonatiuh? Do you think it's possible to make him into a PC god? I realize he's a bit primordial (i.e. titanic), but he seems too important for a minor god,and too beneficent for a Titan. What are your thoughts on (and potential stats for) Tonatiuh?

I actually disagree with you slightly; I think Tonatiuh works just great as a minor god. The reasoning is simple; Tonatiuh is, but he doesn't do, and while you're right that this would normally make me think Titan, you're also right that Tonatiuh really doesn't fit into that mold. He's certainly a god, but he isn't really a very important one at the end of the day; him being there is important, but the real star of the show is Huitzilopochtli keeping him in one piece. We've always viewed it as Huitzilopochtli carrying or protecting Tonatiuh, who on his own just isn't very powerful.

Unfortunately, there's just not much to stat for him, anyway. He has Sun... and that would be about it. He's not like the previous sun-gods, who were the sun and were also active; his unique creation by the other gods makes him more of a passive being to be protected and cherished than a mover and shaker on his own. I'd normally peg him at Legend 9, but I could see putting him him higher, saying that the strength of the myth of sacrificing himself bumped him up one or two rungs. It was, after all, a very badass event.

We've actually used Tonatiuh in our games; Geoff and his band found that an incursion of Aten's angels into Huitzilopochtli's realm appeared to be guarding a giant golden chest, and they stole it on principle (with much singeing of hair and screaming of melting flesh). They were somewhat shocked to find that there was a god inside it, and Tonatiuh was in turn rather surprised to see them and to learn that Aten had had him in a box and that Huitzilopochtli was not in the immediate vicinity. He went off to look for the rest of his pantheon and the PCs haven't seen him since.

So while we think Tonatiuh is one of many awesome characters at an ST's disposal for NPC and game plots, he's just not a great choice for a godly parent because of his lack of associations and active roles.

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