Sunday, July 22, 2012

All Together Now

Question: Have you ever thought about putting a place up on your site for other people (players or STs) to talk about their own games and how they might have utilized some of your rules or original powers? As well, have you ever wanted to know about the kinds of stories other STs come up with?

We have actually thought about that! But we've elected against it so far for a few reasons.

The first is that it would be a lot of work. A lot. Maintaining and moderating space for others and adding their material to our site would add a lot more hours onto our weeks, and they're already crammed pretty darn full (I know it looks like we just kind of lie around eating cookies and dissing bad mythological interpretations, but we are actually busy, honest). Just keeping up with character sheets, new rules, new powers, new sections and pantheon politics (not to mention the massive fiction backlog, which seriously, guys, you don't even know) takes up the greater part of our week when it only applies to our own games; we'd pretty much need to be doing this as a full-time job to support others, too. And while that sounds like awesome fun, sadly, the reality is that we still need to have day jobs and can't spend that much time on it without being the walking dead. (Also we'd probably need to pay for more hosting space and bandwith etc., and we're kind of churchmice.)

But the second reason helps make up for that, and that's this: there's already a great place on the web to share Scion stories, ideas and ask questions, and that's the the official Scion forums over on the White Wolf site. There are some great minds over there, a lot of creative fun, and people are always willing to discuss your ideas. While we'd love to have something like that here (and I guess we do with this blog, in a small way), the world isn't hurting because we don't. The forums do an admirable job of giving the Scion community... well, of giving us a forum. So enjoy them!

And by the way, we do love to hear what other STs are doing, and we actually try to keep up with that as much as possible - we're not a Scion island! Both John and I are regulars on the White Wolf forums as well as communicating with various other STs, both local and not, via email and other sites for their games. We love talking to and hearing from people, so that's the main aim of this blog; it's not just for us to share what we're doing, but also to hear about your guys' thoughts, questions, plans and so forth. It's one of our favorite parts of the day - you guys are awesome, so a big thank you from us to you is in order. You rock.


  1. What Anne means to say, is if you guys would like to support her and John by giving them both the $40k+ salary that they deserve for all the work they do, they'd be glad to moderate on top of what they do already!

    1. Aww, but we love doing it, so it's all okay. :)

  2. Would Anne and John actually accept a paying job from CCP if it meant following their rules for the sake of marketability?

    1. Oh, yeah, probably - getting paid to do what you love is The Dream, after all. We'd probably just keep doing the non-marketable stuff on the side as unpaid fanstuff.

      Considering that WW is pretty well-staffed and what CCP seems to need most is programmers, though, I don't think it's going to come up. :)

    2. Ehhhhh,.....too vague a question. It would really depend on a lot of factors
