Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Game On

Question: You guys tell some pretty freakin' cool stories, and I'd like to be a part of all that. Can I play in your game?

Aww, man, we're glad you like them. :) We are always tentatively open to new players, but there are a few quid pro quos to bring up!

1) You must live in the North Carolina area. At the moment, we're not running any online games, only in-person ones, which means that you'll need to be able to come out to play with us face to face. (Don't worry, we don't always look like insane cake gremlins.) If you'd like to try to sell John on running an online game, you're certainly welcome to try, but you'd have to be a hell of a salesman to overcome his innate dislike of typing and not being able to see gesticulations.

2) You must be able to commit. Not, like, marry us, because we just did that, but we run a pretty constant every-week or every-other-week schedule for our games, and you'd need to be able to show up a great majority of the time. We don't like the plot getting behind because someone doesn't show up enough, or having a cool story element go to waste because the person we crafted it for decided to go to the movies that day. That doesn't mean you don't get to have a life outside of game of course - far from it - but if you want to play in one of our games, make sure you can make the timeslot.

3) You must be able to roll with our house rules. Almost goes without saying, I know, but we use a lot of house rules all over this site, and they're all in force during game. Of course, we love talking about new ideas or mechanics, and even use them sometimes! But if your equilibrium's upset by deviating from the rules as written in the Scion books, we're probably not the group for you.

4) You must get along with the rest of the group. Odds are you will; we're all pretty easy-going people who like a good story, and you probably are, too! Our players are all good friends, some from way back, so it's important that everyone be able to be comfortable and have fun together. This isn't a problem for most people, but it's still a very important point.

And beyond that, there really isn't much in the way of "requirements" (John will come along and correct me any second, I can feel it). Of course, sometimes we have seventeen players and we're running three different games a week and we just can't take on any more, so even if you're rad we may not always have room for you. But you can always email John or me to see if we have room and talk about specifics, and we'll be glad to talk and get to know you.

North Carolina in particular seems to be crawling with Scion players, so I wouldn't be surprised if everyone probably lives here anyway.


  1. For serious, it seems like ALL the Scion Players live in North Carolina. You guys are awesome and all, but the 90 minute commute is a bit much. There totally does need to be a North Carolina Scion Player Convention, though. I'll bring sweets.

    1. There must be global hotspots or just the majority being based in the US - I've not come across anyone else in the UK that plays Scion apart from my group.

    2. Ditto - and I'm even IN White Wolf's home town. :(

    3. Aww, I know, Source J - so close, and yet so far away! Someday we all really oughtta go for that Scion convention idea. (John recently discovered that he is not a big fan of talking on convention panels, but I think for Scion he might make an exception.)

      It's odd, but while I've seen isolated people in different countries (Man in Black or Gemstone on the forums, for example), it's usually only one or two compared to the buckets of players in the US. I suppose that isn't too weird, since White Wolf is based in the US and primarily markets to gamers here, but I do love it whenever I see players that aren't local. It's such a global game that it'd be a shame for it not to get played globally. :)

      Maybe you just need to march down to the WW offices and let them know that you need Friday-night players, TU. Poaching interns might be your most sensible course of action!

  2. Just a thought - If it's impossible to sell John on running an online game, what about you, Anne? Would you be willing to run a game for the denizens of the internet?

    1. I want to say yes, but if I'm being realistic right now, I probably can't. :( The current games don't quite fill up my plate the way they do for John (I think he has a bigger ST capacity than I do anyway, actually), but I'd probably have to say goodbye to getting any fiction written, which wouldn't be fair to all the players I've already promised it to.

      I've run online games before (mostly for Vampire), though, so it's always an option I try to keep open in the back of my mind.
