Tuesday, July 24, 2012

All Hail Apophis

Question: As it turns out that Mikaboshi has nothing to do with darkness at all and was just another White Wolf fact-checking error. Who would be the primary darkness avatar if he was swept under the rug?

Apep. Hands down. He's the great darkness that battles to swallow the sun. He's the evil monster that plunges the world into blackness. He's the lord of the Tenth Region of Night. He is every human fear of the darkness personified, and he has really, really big teeth.

While Erebus and Apep are fighting over who is running the show in the lightless caverns of stygian darkness in our games right now, in a rewrite of the Titanrealm Apep would start out as our head honcho. He's not just an absolutely perfect example of a Big Bad Titan, but he's also the major antagonist and world-threat to an entire pantheon (the Pesedjet). He's pretty much a shoo-in.

I imagine Erebus will stick around in the new realm, though, and Mikaboshi might even get to keep some limelight by being ported over into the celestial Titan with more appropriate starry connotations.

1 comment:

  1. I just can't help but imagine a Celestial Titan as Lovecraftian in nature. Well, moreso than Titans normally are, especially considering most Lovecraftian creatures were representing the great indifference of the universe (and what more are the Greater Titans but primordial forces who simply want to continue doing their thing, even if that means widespread death and destruction). Hardcore mythology aside, that is.
