Saturday, July 28, 2012

Nature vs. Nurture

Question: Pantheon-specific purviews don’t have Avatar-level boons. Why do you think this is and do you think it would be a bad idea if Avatar level boons were made up?

Pantheon-specific purviews fulfill a completely different role from all-purpose purviews, which is why their ultimate levels differ.

APPs are the representation of serious, great and primordial forces. They are powers pertaining to the principles and puzzle pieces that make up the universe, whether in very concrete forms (as the Earth, the Sky, the Animals that populate them) or in more abstract but still fundamentally important ways (as the Order and Chaos that govern those things, or the Magic of Fate that rules their actions). Gods who wield the powers of APPs are tapping into a tiny bit of that huge and awesome force and bending it to serve them, and purview Avatars are the greatest expression of that, allowing a god to briefly become one with that cosmic force, a face of its awe-inspiring power. It's not really a coincidence that Titan Avatars and purview Avatars are referred to by the same name; just as Titan Avatars are expressions of the great primordial forces of the universe, so gods who use purview Avatars are, just for a moment, taking on the same mantle, retaining their personal morals and agenda at the expense of only being able to tap into that great power once in a while instead of always. A god who becomes The Glory isn't just activating a great power that lets him succeed; he's becoming a thinking part, for a brief moment, of the vast and universal power of the sun.

But PSPs, on the other hand, are not concerned with the fundamental forces of the universe; rather, they are expressions of the power, origin and beliefs of a specific culture and set of people. They are at their core human purviews - more human even than the more "human" APPs like Illusion or Guardian - and instead of calling upon the massive powers that run the universe, they draw from the unique wellspring of strength that is their own people. PSPs give gods power through the customs, beliefs and strengths of their own culture, through the religion that their people have built around them, and as a result it's a very different kind of power: more specialized, more personal, less understandable to others but undeniably potent. There's no purview Avatar to tap into because each and every god of that pantheon is themselves an Avatar of its ideas and meaning; they are already the ultimate expression of that culture and its religion simply by existing, just as Titan Avatars are already the expression of a Titanrealm. There's no need for a power that makes them the ultimate in their culture, because they are naturally the very definition of the pinnacle of their culture's godhood. They don't need an extra power to let them finally become themselves.

So while I don't think it's a bad idea to try to craft purview Avatars for PSPs in general - that is, I don't think you'd ruin the game if you tried or anything - I do think it'd be both frustratingly difficult to come up with anything really meaningful and, ultimately, pointless. An Aztec god doesn't need a purview Avatar to make him the pinnacle of sacrificial dedication; that's what he already is if he's bought up his Itztli. An Egyptian goddess doesn't need a purview avatar to make her finally perfectly Egyptian.

It's one of the wonderful things about Scion; even the strongest gods may be able to access parts of the huge fundamental purviews for only a short while, but it is almost effortless to become a true god of your pantheon. It is inborn in each and every Scion in their very ichor.

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