Monday, December 3, 2012

Points! All the Points!

Today, the Vlog of Unanswered Questions. A big fat grab-bag of stat- and point-oriented questions that may or may not be answerable in a vlog format.

Question: How do you guys develop NPC/antagonist stats from scratch at different levels?

Question: You’ve made it clear that you don’t like the way that antagonists are statted in the books. How do you stat your antagonists?

Question: When increasing the Legend of a Creature or Follower, how do you determine what bonuses are given? I just got done looking through the Reliquary and I couldn’t really figure out if there was a pattern.

Question: Did you rework the point distribution system for character creation? Because the low points for Hero-level Birthrights makes it seem like you would have to give every beginning Scion at least three Hero-level Birthrights to use the five points.

Question: What changes in your character generation rules do you implement in light of the escalating cost and dependencies of various knacks and boons?

Also, hey, have you guys been to Better Myths? Because you should go. It's awesome. He will yell myths at you until your ears bleed.

Edit: We now think we might have figured out question number four up there after the fact. Were you saying that Hero-level Birthrights only cost a few points, so Scions would need to have several of them to use up their starting 5 Birthright points? If so, we'd like to point out that Hero-level Birthrights can go up to 5 dots, so you should have no trouble simply having a single, more powerful Birthright instead of several smaller ones.


  1. Roy (Previously Known as Jacob)December 3, 2012 at 10:02 PM

    What is you character creation system (I'm dying to know)?

    1. Im afraid thats a very long answer. Because of that I've relegated it people participating in my classes. Not only would it take me a lot of work to kinda explain and write down, but I feel I owe students some specialness of the info they've gotten.

  2. Anything can be accomplished in two weeks!

  3. Thank you for answering my npc stat question. Your answer was very helpful.
