Saturday, April 13, 2013

Imagine There's No People

To make up for our lack of vlogging the past two weeks (and to celebrate the awesome marriage of two of our players - you go, Thomas and Amy!), here's a giant monster vlog full of random questions! We're like the Godzillas of vlogging, mowing down the Tokyo of YouTube!

Question: So when a Titan Avatar dies, things get bad fast, with whatever they were linked to going out of control. What about when a Titan Avatar steps down and becomes a god? Does everything still go nuts?

Question: Have you considered making Skadi a playable goddess? It's not like the Aesir don't have a history of allowing giants into their ranks. If not, what role do you think she could play in Scion?

Question: Which of your characters started out with all three Epics in one category?

Question: I know you won't tell us any plot points involving Alison Margaritas and how she affects the stories, but could you at least tell us what she is the god of and what her powers currently are? The same for Colin.

Question: Can you tell us what happens if someone gets so powerfully negatively Fatebound against Intelligence that his rolls automatically fail and his stat is effectively 0? I know the floor for actual stats is 1, but with modifiers, that can drop lower. Is he now incapable of speech, getting dressed, preparing human food? Does he basically have animal intelligence, or is there a hard floor for how bad an Attribute can get, even with Fatebinding modifiers?

Question: Can you explain the circumstances in your games that led to your enemy lists? I would like to know how Forseti and Nezha became enemies, among others.

Question: Do you think the Mongolian gods have any chance of being incorporated into scion someday?

Question: What do you dislike about the Celestial Bureaucracy? Is it the RAW or something else? Are there any quick fixes you have in mind? Why is a Water Titanrealm a good pick for them?

Question: Hey, John! This question is about Cernunnos. Why is he so powerful? He has like NINE PURVIEWS.

Question: Imagine a GBN without John. Imagine a GBN without Anne. What would either of them look like (besides nonexistent)?

In other news: sorry, eighth caller, we forgot to address your question about Water opposing the Shen. That possibility is mostly based on the fact that one of their biggest Titans, Gonggong, is a water dragon with a history of causing flooding across the countryside. We talk about him a bunch over here, so you can check that out if you'd like and make your own determinations.

Okay, let's clear some more of these posts out - we've got a blog to run here, god damn it!


  1. I think Water is also a good choice for the Chinese arch-antagonist because floods have unfortunate tendencies of heralding horrible disasters for the Chinese. Enough so that it pops up in the stories of a number of big names, while multiple river gods are depicted as antagonistic figures.

    I don't think it's quite as good as Chaos, but Hundun isn't as interesting and there is no one to replace it.

    Not to mention the unending stream of dim sum jokes.

    1. Chaos is a hard one to fit because a lot of pantheons are fundamentally opposed to the idea of chaos. It's hard to hand it over to just one of them in the original line's "one pantheon, one concept" model.

  2. Great Vlog!

    Thomas and Amy are married? Your gang is now officially the Honeymooners.

    Your explanation on the Celestial Bureaucracy is the answer I've been waiting to on 'why won't John do China!?!?!?' for months now. Not my question, but I've sure been wondering it. All this time I thought it was just that he found Asia boring, and then I find out there's all this geopolitical cultural linguistics and hear a really beautiful commentary on mythology in the modern world from you guys and my first thought is 'no excuse for Japan' and my second thought is 'oh you guys work so hard. how could I ever doubt the Master of Myths?'

    Speaking of doubting the Master of Myths, ASR (Anne's Scion Resources) sounds kind of like 'a perfect world.' 9 Blog Posts a Day and a lot more stuff on the website!? :D

    (Sorry John, you're awesome.)

    1. Yeah, John usually flippantly says "because China is boring", but what he really means is "we mostly just have books about their mythology that are lists by dead white guys from two centuries ago, and that's boring". You're right, Japan doesn't have many of those problems (which is why we put it on the polls regularly, yo! It'll probably be back next time we refresh them).

      ASR would have more stuff, but I think the quality/usefulness threshold wouldn't be as high. Like the Joker and Batman, we complete each other.
