Sunday, April 28, 2013

Movement of the Mind

Question: Have you considered adding a telekinesis-based Knack/Boon?

Not really, because the idea's already covered. But let's go through it!

To start with, telekinesis, as in moving stuff around with the powers of your pulsating magical brains, is one of those modern science fiction concepts (like time travel) that doesn't actually appear in most ancient myths; it was really firmed up as a concept in the late nineteenth century, long after most of Scion's pantheons were far and away no longer active, and as a result it doesn't appear in any of the heroic legends of yore. Gods don't tend to point at stuff and make it fly around for them; they go pick it the hell up and do stuff with it, because why wouldn't they? They're gods. They don't have the normal human problems of not having enough arms or strength to do things, or of being too slow or clumsy to manage a bunch of items at once. The majority of them don't even need telekinesis for anything, which probably explains why it didn't occur to ancient people to ascribe it to them.

But Scions do like doing new stuff, so luckily there are also several powers already in the game that can be used to perform telekinesis-like feats if they so wish. The Intelligence knack Remote Control and its prerequisite Wireless Interface are probably the closest things in the game to straight telekinesis, and allow Scions to interface with and operate machines and mechanical devices from a distance without touching them. Wind Grapple from Sky can lift and move around anything you want from a distance, which is pretty much exactly telekinesis, and covers everything that isn't usable with the mechanical knacks. Amatsukami Scions can effectively duplicate telekinesis by calling upon the spirits of objects to animate themselves with Tsukumo-gami as well, a purview that hasn't been rewritten by us yet but that is likely to retain some form of that power in the final draft. The Shen's Taiyi purview also has straight telekinesis with the Qi Hand boon, but as we've noted before, we're pretty sure we're going to be punting that entire purview into space when it comes time to give the Bureaucracy due attention.

We're not really worried about adding any more than that; that's way plenty options for those who want to roll with the idea, and we don't see any reason to invent more without a good mythological precedent. In a recent game, Sowiljr simultaneously told Eztli to stop touching things and to transcribe something for him, and she shrugged and used Wind Grapple to write without touching anything. Can't get much more telekinetic than that!


  1. Thank you! (not the asker, but still...) I had, at one point debated building a "Mind" purview, but everything I had wanted to make it with had ben covers by most Mental and Social Knacks. Except TK, so now I have no reason to waste my time on it ( I hope that doesn't sound negative, it really isn't).

    1. Happy to be of service. :) Purview-building is hard stuff, we're on the same page.

  2. You can even spend relic points in RAW to extend your brawl attacks to 5 yards per legend.

    1. That's true - and I forgot to mention we also have a custom Strength knack that does that, too (Flick)!
