Sunday, November 10, 2013


Okay, guys, John recorded this yesterday but couldn't figure out how to get it uploaded to YouTube, so instead of posting it here he threw a lot of furniture, drank some beers and stomped around until our cats had anxiety seizures. Now that it's finally up, we can bring you the belated vlog. He wants you to know he did it entirely by himself and it's awesome.

Hey, this isn't a question but more of a Request. Could we possibly get another John Only Vlog i love how he rages on questions when Anne isnt there to calm him down. Lie when the Vlog when he was in yall old house in the room talking bout Thor being a personification of Odin's strength. A blog like that where he answers questions and just lets us have it. In all his Johnny Goodness. Those are my favorites. PS i still love you anne just want to see some John Rage.

Question: Through EPIC COSMIC TRICKERY and MANIPULATION, a pantheon of gods sits down to all play D&D together. You are the DM, and they tell YOU to pick their char classes for them. What do you pick for them and why? Greeks (big 12), Norse, Aztec. GO! (pretty pretty please?)

Question: I know your views on made up stuff for Scion when there's worlds of material from real world mythologies, but I'm curious and cannot resist asking. If you guys had to take a pantheon from any fictional piece (other RPGs, Lovecraft, etc.) and create a Scion version for use as divine parents, which pantheon would it be?

Question: Can we get a hint on the secret project you're working now? Just a tiny one, I beg you!!

Question: You ever read any of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson or Kane Chronicles books? And if so, what did you think of them?

Question: Regret guy here. What does Zeus regret. What does Eshu regret. What does Vishu and Braham regret. What does Sarsovitch regret. What does Perun regret. Choose any and all you feel like answering. Sorry about the spelling, pressed for time.

Question: Okay, i am not the original asker of this question: Power and responsibility go hand in hand. And with every great decision comes regret. Regret for what could have been, should have been, and what ultimately was. What do the gods regret? , but you talked about comming back with ONE god. Prove. What does the law regret? banishing his twin-son-bird-thing to the underworld for attacking Veles son? (who were dicks) or is there other things?

Question: Can you hide Epic Appearance (positive or negative) by wearing lots of clothes? I mean, bundled up like an eskimo without an inch of skin showing. Like Kenny from Southpark level bundled up. Sight? Clothes. Smell? Clothes. Touch? Clothes. Taste? ... ... stop licking my jacket!


  1. So, Anne gave you all the stupid questions this week, huh John.

  2. Apocalyptica-Path for Marcus James is the one that immediately springs to mind.
    For the active ones...
    Give me a day or two, I'll do some collecting.


    1. Jioni: Santana-Black Magic Woman. Interrupted once she critically fails at athletics and falls flat on her face.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Odysseus :

      Seamus McMann:

      Every Hero Scion Ever:

      God Level Scions post Ragnarok:

      Geoff as new All-Father Post Ragnarok:

      Izanami & Izanagi:



  3. I find it so typically John that no matter how much he screams and rants at questions like these...he always answers them. And not GTFO answers, actual, appropriate, answers that are useful. Kudos to you for that John!

    My conscience will also not let me rest until I make my usual PSA whenever Percy Jackson comes up: The first movie has about as much to do with the book as the Clash of the Titans remake has to do with the original Perseus and Medusa myth. The books are awesome!

    Also, this isn't exactly what you were asking for (I'm still waaaaay behind on the fiction, so I'm not comfortable selecting music for it yet), but in my head, this song is completely inextricably bound to the Orisha. I first heard it when the pantheon came out on your site and I was listening to it on repeat while I was reading the pantheon, and it has become their Theme Song for me. It has a very strong faux-african tribal music feel to it (though the language is actually made up) and I really hope you guys like it:
