Saturday, May 4, 2013


It's another solo vlog, but don't despair. We'll get back together someday.

This week, because I'm on my own, I'll be talking about Mesoamerican stuff. Because that's what I do when left alone without supervision!

Question: Why did you strip Fertility, Sky, Water and Epic Intelligence from Quetzalcoatl when his description says he is a god of those things? Should the unspoken understanding that he is those things outweigh tthe fact that there are no stories expressly describing him doing said things?

Question: In comparison between Maya and Aztec culture and myth, which one was more prolific with human sacrifice?

Question: First, I just wanted to say that I love your Maya writeup. Kudos to you guys for your awesome work. I have a question, however, concerning the PSP. For the Unici Chupla, Utzil Keban, Caan Cab and Sucun Palil boons, what are the options for characters who want to embody a "between" state, instead of one or the other (say, a hermaphroditic god, or a character who wants to appear as middle-aged, or a "wise child", etc.)? It sems like those boons don't allow for an in-between.

Question: I have a question regarding the sun and moon among the Maya. Who ultimately controls the sun and moon amongst them: K'inich Ahau and Awilix or the Hero Twins? Both pairs seem to have power over the celestial objects, so I was curious.

By the way, for those who wanted some unnecessarily graphic pictures of Maya autosacrifice, I'm here for you. If you didn't want that, I'm here for you anyway. Sorry.

These people are serious about getting serious.


  1. Still, the Aztlanti have turned their kids into Itzil fuel.

    1. The Aztlanti see everyone, including themselves, as Itztli fuel. They're not expecting anything out of their Scions they don't also do themselves, in most cases. (Although there are always asshole exception, Tezcat.)

      If you mean the Familial Sacrifice boon, we really hate it and have been meaning to replace it for a while. It's not a good capstone for that purview and dissonant with the general sacrifice themes of the Aztecs. We'd been putting it off, but since Sangria just hit Legend 11 we pretty much have to fix it soon now.

    2. Hmmm...this should be interesting...the concept of a PSP boon that literally pitted two of your virtues against each other never appealed to me. I eagerly await.

      Also, congratulations Sangria!

    3. Have they? I dont think they've actually done that.
      ...and if they did, it was probably super important.
