Monday, May 27, 2013

Healthy as a Horse

Question: I really like your character sheets on your download page. But how do you add more health boxes to the sheet? At the moment I can't get more than 7, and I know you added more for you characters with Epic Stamina.

Hmm, you're right, that's a pretty major problem past... like, Legend 1. Damn.

I'm going to level with you, question-asker - I couldn't figure out a great way to do this for the editable character sheet in our Downloads section. You do indeed add more health boxes for characters with more Epic Stamina, like so:

Epic Stamina Health Levels
0 7
1 8
2 9
3 11
4 14
5 18
6 23
7 29
8 36
9 44
10 53

And that's just the basic health levels; gods of Legend 9 or higher double that number, Scions with Jotunblut get to add extra ones depending on how much of their PSP they have, and various powers in the game, including Bolster, Drive Sekhu and Dryad Link, temporarily modify health levels as well. And then there are the people with permanent damage, or with weird relics or curses that affect their health boxes... and it's a mess.

Obviously, my original idea, having a drop-down menu from which you could choose your number of health levels, won't work here since there are kind of infinite numbers of health different people might have. Also, if it were in a drop-down menu form, my current limited software wouldn't allow you to click to fill in the boxes, so you'd be able to see how much health you had total but not keep track of it on the sheet, which kind of defeats the purpose of an editable sheet in the first place. Just putting the starting seven on there is obviously kind of useless, too, since any Scion with any Epic Stamina at all should have more health boxes than that (unless you're using the old rules from the book, in which case it'll work until a Scion has four or more Epic Stamina, at which point it becomes useless again). The only other solution I can think of is to remove the visual element of boxes entirely and just put in some number fields - i.e., here's one that says how much health I have total, one that says how much of it is filled with bashing damage right now, and so on. But I'm not a big fan of that, either, since it will probably make it confusing to keep track of how many health boxes were there originally and how many added by temporary powers.

Anybody out there have any genius ideas about how to make this sheet work better for a bunch of different possible health box situations?


  1. Number field for permanent health, and another number field for temporary boosts?

    1. Yeah, that's all I can think will work without making a huge mess. A field for perm health, a field for temporary health, fields for bashing/lethal/agg damage.

  2. This is one of those things (the "you get health boxes from day one") that I think should be on the House Rules page. I had never even thought of that until now.

    1. I have no idea why that rule was not in Scion RAW. Every group I know has been doing it this way for years.

    2. A spreadsheet with some extra space for added boxes and such?

    3. Yeah, that would definitely work. My attempts to make the sheet a one-stop shop for all your playing needs is what's getting in the way here.
