Friday, May 10, 2013


First:  I want to say hello to our many new readers.  We've had a nice surge of readership with the last two pantheon releases and thats pretty cool.  So hello, glad you're here, hope you're enjoying yourselves, and if you log-in when you make posts we'll get to know you over time, and we like that.

Second: Anne always hates me for this, but I'll make it short and sweet.  Its the time of the year where our bills get crunched again and donations from the community can really help.  So if you've enjoyed our website, vlogs, pdfs or anything else on the site, AND you have an extra few bucks, it would be super awesome and generous of you to visit the donation button over on the right hand side of the page under the polls.  Any amount helps us greatly.
And Im certainly not talking to friends who have been incredibly generous before.  We've been blown away by peoples generosity in the past, and this is just a small reminder(and the only one for a long while I promise) that if you enjoy some of our recent work, or are new to the community, we do have a donate button to help us pay for the bills of the site(and sometimes extra MONSTER for late nights of working).

Ok, now with that out of the way(annes gonna kick me in the morning, she gets so cute when embarrassed).

Third:  Annes recent work schedule(at her "real" job) has become incredibly busy.  In addition, she got accepted into grad school(YAY!!) for library sciences, and hopefully starts there in the fall(come on IRS, we need our refund so we can apply for financial aid!).   The stress and reduced free time of those two things has led to slower content and a much more stressed out anne.   To help alleviate that and give her a bit of a break.  Im going to start attempting to pump out many more blogs then I have in the past.  If things go according to plan, starting monday instead of two blogs by anne, you'll have one very well written blog by anne, and then some sort of blog like thing from me.  In addition we're gonna cut our saturday blog out, and have only the vlog.  So weekly, we'll have 6 blogs by each of us and one vlog(usually together).  We havnt decided yet if its a week where we skip the vlog if we'll have a blog in its place or not.

We arent sure how long this will last, if all goes right and she starts school in the fall, it may be a permanent thing.

O, additional fun note though.  We're turning the extra room in our apartment into a writing room for anne.  Its taking a bit of work, but hopefully after she'll have a peaceful place away from distractions, and fiction will come out at a much faster pace.

That is all the news.  Hopefully it all turns out awesomely.  Im off to write a week of blogs, starting with this old one I have about Join Battle. 


  1. Awesome, Anne! Congratulations on your acceptance! You're so badass they're not gunna know what to do with you.

    Next time you're in town, lemme know and I'll make you a giant library cookie or something. I love excuses to make giant edibles.

  2. You got it, dude. Looking forward to the new set-up.

  3. The greed in me wants to not donate and hope enough people scrounge up so you can keep going anyway.

    The not-a-dick in me is going to scrounge up some for you anyway. Be expecting at least some small donation from this anonymous reader / rather frequent question asker.


    But I want that character creation thing :(

    *grumbles as she searches her couch for change*

    1. Awww! No, if you have to couch scrounge dont worry about it! We know all about couch scrounging! Character creation is almost completely finished. Anne needs some free time to polish it off and its good to go. This week is crazy busy, and the following week is my birthday(big 30), but after that(or maybe, MAYBE before)you can expect it up. 10 days at the most.

    2. Great, now I have to get you extra for your birthday D:

    3. Happy birthday! Congrats, you're almost officially Old. Just ask the kids on your lawn.

    4. Ive been calling myself old since 26....

  4. Congratulations on that library graduation thing, or whatever is going on. I have bad reading comprehension. Buy yourself something nice! Might I suggest a can of MONSTER? :p

    1. The Monster is for John. I'll have a nice soothing cocoa or something. :)

  5. A) Congratulations, Anne!

    B) Is it possible to commission a Scion project? For example, one of us gives you money in exchange for Enech Overhaul? Or we start a small kickstarter for you to write a Scion adventure?

    1. A) Woohoo, thanks!

      B) Man... I wish the answer to this were yes, but sadly it isn't. Not because we wouldn't love to do that, but because we don't own Scion or the rights to it, so while you guys are allowed to be awesome and donate if you want to, you can't hire us to write content for the game because then that starts to get into weird legal territory for the actual owners of said game (Onyx Path/White Wolf). We heart those guys - we don't want to lose them money, and we definitely don't want them to sue us.

      Also, we wouldn't want people to feel like they didn't get to see any neat new stuff unless they paid for it, because we want the site to do cool stuff for everybody. But it's an awesome idea and we totally appreciate it. :) If you want to talk to us about what we're specifically doing, you can always email us.

    2. Another problem with that (for us, not for John and Anne) is that we'd all basically throw money at them to do OUR preferred project first. You throw 100 dollars at them for the Enech Overhaul, I throw 200 for the Fatebond system, Samudra throws 500 at them for the New Titanrealms. Instead of a 'hey guys what do you think we should do' it becomes an auction house on the next project.

      Again, not a major problem for John I'd think. Would make things kind of suck, like Anne said, for those who feel like they'd have to pay to see new stuff.

    3. Let the bidding war begin!!! (Seriously though, I'm not even sure how many Rupees there are to a Dollar...checks online...55, ouch!!!)

    4. With all due respect, if someone offered John and Anne 500 dollars for donation in exchange for their project being worked on, I would expect them to take it.

    5. Although anon here is right, of course we would take it, and pump it out. There are some potential problems with a system like that. Jacob and anne have already outlined some. And as jacaob pointed out, those probably wouldnt be a major problem for me, although anne would die of stress.

      The other problem, when you do a straight pay for work thing like that, is what if the person that payed doesnt like the product? What if they want us to do japanese, but after research and work, we ended up taking out their favorite japanese god? Everyone would feel bad, but we'd need to stay true to our vision and goals for the website. I guess we could do a second pass that was only for them, but wasnt on the website, but I feel like that probably isnt what they'd want. More thoughts anyway, I always love getting paid to do work, but as an actor am also very used to working for free.

    6. Yeah. I think the only way something like that would work is if it was not frequent (so nobody felt like they had to buy work from you) and if you got to maintain your artistic integrity (they have little to no input on the process).

  6. How many dollars do you want to do the Welsh? I have the monetary advantage of the pound being the mightiest of all currencies!

  7. Expect some love from the North. Congratz on the acceptance.

  8. Congratulations, Anne!

  9. Makes me doubly hope that I win the lottery, I'll pay your bills for a year if it alleviates the stress and helps you get more content out. Especially if y'all do get to work on 2nd Ed.

    1. Then we could be kept artists like Shakespeare!

  10. Delayed congratulations! Awesome news, Anne! The world needs librarians. My own family's got a bunch.

    I'd contribute, but my own student loans are eating my paycheck like Fenrir on Tyr's hand.

    1. Don't sweat it - we are very familiar with the Student Loan Beast. Thanks!
