Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Craft God Experience

A day late but better than no day at all, it's time for the vlog!

Question: What does your homebrew crafting system look like? What can a hero-level crafter do vs. a demigod crafter vs. a God-level crafter? And how do you use this system in your games?

Question: If you are feeling particularly generous, maybe you could also answer who can create/forge relics and how. Obviously dwarves can, and so can senior smith/crafter gods with high levels of industry. Even Industry 6: User Unnecessary seems to imply that by the time Scions hit mid demigod, some can create relics (minor ones at least). Can you confirm? Is industry needed to create relics? What kind of a system do you use?

Question: Why isn't Industry finished yet? We need to build stuff! Oh, and will it have a crafting system, too?

And seriously like five more, you guys know who you are.

John apologizes in advance for being rambly, but promises that he got around to the important points by the end. Also, he claims he was distracted by passing cars.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I'll bring some of these ideas to my table to see what they think about it. I like the rocket car example and the making of mundane items.
