Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Hound of Ulster

Question: I don't know if this has been asked before: what's Cu Chulainn's status among the Tuatha de Danann? Was he an heroic mortal, a lowly Scion, or a demigod? Is he still alive, or dead?

We've talked about him a bit in passing, but he's a badass enough dude to get his own post, don't you think?

Scion: Companion officially sets Cu Chulainn as a Scion of Lugh, an assessment we agree with; he's pretty much the definition of a Scion, from his parent being one of the most famous Irish gods to his exploits on the battlefield and his mix-ups with various other Irish gods and figures. He's also officially dead in Scion, which we also agree with; he broke a geas and brought his own doom down upon himself, and that's the kind of thing that's a pretty big deal in Irish myth. He must have been at least a Demigod, as his most famous use of the Riastrad highlights, but we're of the opinion that, based on his behavior and exploits, he probably wasn't higher than Legend 6 or so; fearsome enough to fight entire armies of mortals on his own, but still no match for the likes of a vengeful Morrigan's prophecies.

Cu Chulainn is one of the most celebrated of Irish Scions; countless stories and songs are sung abount him and he is likely to be held up as an example for all Scions of the Tuatha to aspire to. Lugh, especially, no doubt has a fond soft spot for his dead son and is probably pretty harsh on Scions that don't manage to fill his oversized, backward-pointing shoes. The only person who might not be fond of his memory is possibly the Morrigan, who actively conspired to get him killed, but then again she's a strange one and might be just fine with it now that she's officially won and gotten him packed off into the waiting arms of death.

Cu Chulainn is almost certainly in Mag Mell, the paradisaical Underworld of the greatest Irish heroes and kings, ruled over by Manannan mac Lir (who was Lugh's own foster-father as well and who I imagine enjoys having him there). His ghost could easily be visited there, or even summoned by Scions with the appropriate Death boons and some personal effect of his. He could also make a pretty kick-ass Guide for a much younger brother or other Tuatha Scion, ready to provide sage advice ("Is it somebody we could sleep with? Oh, better kill it, then.") or backup at a moment's notice.


  1. Thanks forthe answer, more stuff to think on.

  2. So he gets to fight drink and fuck as much as he wants dies a great heroic death and goes to irish Valhalla. Great life even for a scion
