Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Throwing Stuff

Question: When I throw something a long way, how fast does it go?  At what point does it take something longer then 5 seconds to reach its destination?

I came up with a couple answers.  Some are what Id use in game, the other is the answer you're probably looking for.

In a combat situation, Id usually make it take 1 second to get where it was going.  It'll make combat much slower and weirder if there are objects flying everywhere.  You swing your sword, it cuts, you throw a rock, it bludgeons.  Things happen on the tick their initiated and it just kinda has to work that way to flow.  Else anything with a negligible epic dex score could dodge all thrown any fired weapons by just moving out of the way.

So for combat purposes, missiles have to get there sort of immediately 

But what about throwing farther?  A stunt where you aim where the person will be and throw there?  Or hell, throwing a football for your wide receiver to catch.

Generally Id say 5 seconds or whatever fits the scene most.  I just watched someone throw a 100 yard pass.  It took about 10 seconds.  But scions have epic strength and throwing knacks....so let your imagination run wild.  Generally I'd let whatever fits the player best happen, and if its something that should be difficult, make success a little difficult.  If they're throwing a ball to knock a car off the road, thats a hard thing to line up, and speed plays a factor.  Go ahead and make the roll difficult, but if they succeed, make the ball his precisely where and when it needed to in order to achieve success.

Or heres a formula you can use if you're lazy or love math.

Calculate strength like dash speed.  That becomes your throwing speed.
Someone with 5 strength and 5 epic strength would throw at 33 y/s(66mph).   Allow the throwing knacks to add to the speed like the sprinting knacks(dont charge legend for em).
So this same person with hurl to the moon would throw at 396y/s(792mph).

And for fun: strength 10 epic strength 10:
Throw 108y/s (216mph)
with all the knacks: 1296y/s(2592mph)

I hope this helps.  Generally Id just go with the first part about doing what fits best for the scene, but theres some crunch if you feel it necessary.


  1. I'm a little hesitant to use that formula, since top mortals can break 100mph on a thrown baseball. But I like the idea of throwing knacks increasing the speed.

    1. They can throw a baseball that fast is over a short distance in very specific circumstances. That would apply to the "happens instantly" section at the top. But no one can throw a baseball 100 yards, or 100 miles at a speed of 100 mph. That sort of speed doesnt apply to throwing larger/less aerodynamic items or throwing for any sort of real distance.
