Monday, April 22, 2013

Gods of Many Faces

They've been a long time coming, but here they are, post-2012 and still going strong: the K'uh, gods of the ancient Maya, fully written up and ready for download!

This is one of the longest pantheon expansions yet; is it because there are tons of intricate Maya gods and legends to cover? Because their cosmology lends itself to Scion's so extensively? Because I'm totally biased toward Mesoamerican mythology? I don't know, but they're rocking a super fancy new PSP, a Titanrealm full of terrible nasties and a group of gods as vibrant and changeable as the world itself. We hope you all enjoy them, and as always, we're happy to answer any questions about them you may have!

Normally I would go flop down on my face in exhaustion now, but there's a very important detail to take care of: the next new pantheon to get a writeup. As some of you may have noticed, our polls over to the right have been experiencing technical difficulties lately, with the result being that an unknown number of votes - as far as I can tell, anywhere between 20 and 50 - were lost at some point. The two frontrunners have been neck and neck, and since we're not sure which one of them legitimately won thanks to the glitches, we're holding a tiebreaker round, right here, right now. For the next twenty-four hours, we're running this tie-breaker poll. Vote, ye the people.

Which pantheon should JSR release as a supplement next?

Which will it be - the many-colored and primordial gods of Australia's Dreamtime, or the watery gods of storm and life in the Polynesian islands?

By the way, I'll be updating the fiddly bits post in a few minutes with the details on the K'uh, so stay tuned. Go go new gods and powers!

EDIT: Just uploaded a new version that doesn't have a repeated page and confusing legacy text hidden behind a sidebar. Thanks for catching those, everybody!


  1. Really looking forward to sinking my teeth into this!

    As a quick aside, it looks like you have the K'uh six abilities instead of five for Vestiges of a Distant Past .

    1. Good point - thanks! Fixed momentarily.

    2. Okay, I got through it! I have to say, I'm very impressed. I can't comment much on the mythology of it, not knowing the Maya very well, but definitely a fun read for someone who knows nothing about them.

      I was especially impressed with the PSP. I have to admit, I had no idea how you were going to pull off a PSP that lived up to what you gave the impression of the K'uh being capable of without requiring multiple different character sheets for the same character, but it turned out to be much more elegant than I'd thought. Kudos for the design!

    3. It was definitely a challenging PSP, so I'm glad you like the results! The Maya gods do a whole lot of swapping their character around, and we figured we had to let Scions in on some of that craziness.

  2. Love the K'uh, slightly sad that of the 5 Mayan gods I knew anything about, only one made the cut, but I have to agree on them not being playable. Even though I have an odd fascination for Ixtab, Chamer and Camazotz, they aren't legend 12 material, and Kukulkan is obviously Quetzalcoatl. At least Ixchel is there to show I at least know one important Mayan god.

    1. Hey, you could still play a Scion of those folks. It just comes with an extra challenge rating. :)

  3. This is great stuff, you guys - treat yourselves to whatever celebratory ritual you feel you deserve. :-) I'm still reading it, but I love all the little details so far. Don't let the nit-pickers get you down - it's a lot of work to do this, and we appreciate it!

    1. Hey, it's all good - the more nits are pointed out, the more of them I can remove. :) I'm glad you're enjoying it!

  4. Proud to have been part of the development process. For those not in the know (and who skipped over it), I'm the Ryan Griffin credited in the Title Page. #tootingmyownhorn

  5. And the Polynesians win!

    1. They did! Talk about a photo finish.

    2. Seriously. It looked like Australia had the lead earlier in the day, but I guess people got home from work and decided they wanted some Oceania goodness.

  6. I just finished reading about the wonderful Mayan gods.

    You guys did good, and you should feel good. :)

  7. Congratulations guys (and griffinguy, and terriblyuncreative for the pic of Oxlahun)! While the Mayan gods in general are very interesting, I loved their PSP (though the fact that you can literally lose the whole thing is kinda scary), which gives me this vision of a bunch of Mayan Gods on their thrones constantly transforming from one aspect to another!

    And Xibalba, dear Gods Xibalba is so viscerally, horrifyingly evocative! I'll be honest: the first thing I look for in your supplements is always the Titanrealm, and I have been waiting for a Death Titanrealm from the day Scion unveiled the concept of Titanrealms. And Xibalba is all I could have wanted. I was expecting Nirriti there, and you did not dissapoint, and Thanatos, who's a figure I love. I'm surprised Iapetus didn't make the cut.

    All in all, you have me drooling at the thought of what you'll do with the Polynesian Gods, even if I have to wait a while for them :D

    1. For real - everybody should give terriblyuncreative some art love, he is awesome.

      Ha ha, I'm so glad you enjoyed Xibalba! It's the worst place ever and I'm glad I could do at least a little justice to its horribleness. I did have Iapetus on the original list, but I eventually decided that one Greek Titan was enough. Feel free to run him as in there hanging out with Thanatos anyway if you want - as the embodiment of violent death, he'd make a good contrast!

      I hope we'll come through for you on Polynesia. I'm pretty excited about them myself. :)
