Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Doing It Big

Question: What happens in your games if a God (or Titan Avatar) should ever channel a Purview Avatar within a Titanrealm? Is it different from the core books' treatment? And would the reactions of the Titanrealms differ based on which purview is channelled? Would Tamoanchan, for example, react differently to The Glory, The Crown and The Reaper, Avatars for an opposed, a favoured and a neutral purview respectively?

Aww, man, I hate to do this to you, question-asker, but we don't know the answers to most of this yet. We're in the midst of working on reimagining the purview Avatars, what they do and how they function at the moment, and how they interact with Titanrealms will be part of that.

While I'm not sure we'll keep the core books' idea of gods instantly dying if they use Avatars within a Titanrealm, I also know why it's there (to prevent gods from being able to just go wreak I'm-narrating-the-scene-now havoc on the realms of the Titans with impunity), so something will certainly need to restrict how they work there. I'm definitely with you on the idea that popping The Glory in the middle of Keku probably provokes a very different response from popping The Abyss, but we'll need some time to work on what, exactly, those responses might be.

We're hoping to wrap up adding the Slavs to the website much more quickly than our last project (thank goodness, we already wrote most of this material!), and when we do, we're planning to add work on purview Avatars/Ultimate Attributes to the list of things you can vote for us to do next.

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