Friday, July 6, 2012

I Can Dream, Can't I?

Question: You (or Anne, anyway) talk about the Hittite gods a lot. When do we get that supplement?!

Ha ha, oh, you, anonymous questioner! Go on, encourage me more.

I think there might be a small-scale riot around here if the Hittites saw ink before, say, the Incas, or the Polynesians, or the Arabs, or the Maya, and so on and so forth. And John and the players wouldn't be wrong to picket me in my office, because those are groups that probably need to be part of our game's landscape a lot more than crusty old gods from the Turkish peninsula, concerned with bees and missing body parts and other things no one has ever heard of.

But the Hittites are totally my (no so) secret pet project, so maybe I'll work on them on and off on the sly, while accomplishing more meaningful and less personally indulgent things in the meantime. And if I can get PCs to run around in Turkey more often, the law of Fateful Auras says that eventually they'll have to deal with Hittite gods, so maybe I'll get to back-door my way into awesome Hittite shenanigans.


  1. This was not me, by the way. I've got a vague notion of what your project list already looks like...

    1. You say it wasn't you, and yet every time I turn around, there you are, demanding things.

    2. Well, okay, yeah - but THIS one was not me! Not my fault y'all are so damned smart and clever and always give such good advice... :P

  2. Hey, I'VE heard of bees.
