Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pouring One Out

Question: So I'm in a couple of Scion games with some awesome people. Our ST is brilliant and the players just keep feeding the stories with awesome juice every game. How do you go about telling them the heartbreaking news that you got the job thats 500+ miles away and neither you or your wife will be able to play in the 3+ year old game anymore? It's really hard to figure out how to tell everyone and we also don't want to ruin everything that's been built when we have to move in a month... thoughts?

It's with a heavy heart that we post this, because it's not a hypothetical question, despite coming into our question-box all innocent and timid-like.

After years of amazing awesomeness, we are in a couple of weeks bidding two of our players adieu. Thanks to a new job bazillions of miles away, Tom and Jennie will no longer be able to play with us. It's an awesome opportunity for them, and we are super excited, but it still brings a tear to our stoic eyes to lose their steady company; not only are they some of the most fun and creative players we've ever had, but they're our good friends, too. The two of them have somehow managed to be in every game we've run, and that's seriously saying something.

So here's a twenty-one cannon salute to Tom and Jennie, some of the most badass players ever to roam an Overworld!

Tom is responsible for such ridiculous shenanigans as Mitchell Gozer/Terminus, the universal whipping boy of fate; John Doe, the most out-of-control Norseman ever to be thankfully put down; Will Nordstrom/Sverrir, who's stubbornly going to be the last king of the Vanir if it kills him; Theo Arnoux, the most ill-fated of the Loa but with a heart of gold; Carlos Jolie-Pitt, loyal to a fault and tragically lost; Ignatius Rex, unbelievably introverted but still a mean hand with a barrel of rocket fuel; Hiro Subaru, the most vengeful Japanese scientist in the world; Najarat Sekhar, a madman with a trigger who's taking everyone down with him; and Kebo, whose rallying cry has always been the mightily uplifting, "There's only so much we can do!" He's had more PCs die than everyone else combined and has also pulled off more insanity than the rest of the table could hope to dream of. He's every Storyteller's dream: if you throw it at him, he will run with it through a seven-ring flaming obstacle course and quip all the way there.

And Jennie is right there with him. She's the mind behind Sophia Archimedes/Aiona, the sociopath who managed to make Sangria look tame; Kettila Blomgren/Yoloxochitl, owner of the biggest Peter Pan complex in the west; Aisu Sutoraiku, a country ninja unprepared for the rigors of the big city; Alaina Bertrand, combining high fashion with world-saving every day; Amunet Ipi, her first character and a casualty early on, but luckily that didn't deter her from trying again; Hime-Kame Jolie-Pitt, the biggest bully in little schoolgirl tights; Nisha, the wild monkey girl that everyone, including her band, kind of hopes gets killed soon; Zelime St. Cyr, babynapper; and Cassara Mitchell, who solves all problems with cake. Scion with us was her first RPG, and she hit the ground running with flair and creativity that veteran roleplayers could be envious of. She's never afraid to PVP to the bitter end, and has the honor of being the player that makes the ST say, "Oh, jesus," the most often out of all our badasses combined.

So whether you've followed their stories or seen them in comments on this blog or not, join us in raising a toast to Tom and Jennie tonight. We love them to pieces and we couldn't be more excited to wish them well on their new journey, and we want to remind them to never stop gaining their own Legend along the way. We'll miss them, but their characters will live on as NPCs, and their stories will continue in the fiction for many months to come despite their absence at the table. Three cheers to you crazy kids from all of us who have had the privilege of playing with you, and have fun storming the castle.

And beware, STs of upstate New York: they're coming for you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Dude, you are terrible at links. Here.

      Saddest pandas.

    2. all the sad pandas :(

      and no worries... Upstate is safe... it's Long Island we're invading....

    3. Long Island?

      *gets onto the intercom* INCOMING!

    4. Is that where you're located Griffinguy?

    5. awesome! you mind me asking where? I just got a job working at Adelphi... also... know of any good apartments for rent?

    6. Audible gasp! Adelphi's my alma mater! I'm close-ish to there (not willing to give further details on a blog).

      And, sorry, no, I don't know of apartments to rent.

      ... or of any RL Scion gamers. My attempts to locate/create one have been abysmal.

  2. We who are about to cry, salute you.


  3. Congratulations on the job. We're going to miss you in NC.
