Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Psychic Real Estate

Question: A few gods seem to creep over into other religions. In a previous post you mentioned Vayu and Haoma having identities in Hinduism so strong that they can be considered members of that pantheon, so I gotta ask, do these cross-pantheon gods have Sanctums in these other Godrealms? And if they do, are these Sanctums well-known or hidden from the natives? Final question, do you think a Scion of one side of such a god could have a Sanctum in the other Godrealm (ex. Yazata Scion with a Hindu Godrealm)?

There aren't many gods who can cross pantheon lines so easily, and each one is a special case; whether or not they have a true Sanctum in both Overworlds, or maybe only one Sanctum but some dedicated space in both, or some other configuration largely depends on how they got there, how you want to handle them in a game and what their individual preferences might be. In Vayu's specific case, I imagine he has a Hindu Sanctum as well as a Persian one, because the other Devas would probably find it mighty strange if he didn't seeing as how he's a fairly major figure among them, but that needn't necessarily be the rule for all cross-pantheon gods (the few, the lonely). Maintaining two Sanctums is a serious energy-sink; I imagine Vayu also has fewer other cool toys than some of his pantheon-mates because of it.

As for whether or not they're hiding their cross-pantheon alliances, that probably depends on the god, too; whether they're someone who prefers secrecy, whether there are political considerations to be taken into account, and so forth. Vayu, to use him as a convenient example again, probably doesn't advertise his ability to cross back and forth much thanks to the two pantheons having such a violent hate-on for one another, but someone in a less volatile situation might not mind or might even view it as an advantage to let others know he was versatile. Keep in mind that having "space" in an Overworld doesn't necessarily have to mean a full-blown Sanctum, too - gods in our games often have "visiting houses" in the Overworld proper where they can hang out with others without having to drag everyone into their Sanctum, and areas are usually available for visiting gods there on business as well.

As for Scions, where their Sanctums and other god-level Birthrights fall is always a matter of what they plan, do and attempt in-game. It would probably be easy for a Scion raised in the bosom of one pantheon to gain a Sanctum among them, less so if she were more of a stranger or at odds with them. God-level Birthrights are so subjective and tailored to each budding god that there's really no general answer; it depends on the plans and needs of the game, PC and Storyteller.

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