Thursday, July 12, 2012

For Great Justice

Question: I noticed that none of those crazy fun Japanese gods have Justice associated with them. Does this leave them with a bit of a blind spot when it comes down to judging things accurately or reasonably? So say if one of their Scions killed another one and then accidentally nicked some of their power briefly, it seems unlikely they would think reasonably about this before coming down like an avalanche of wrath?

An interesting question. Let me counter with this: if no gods in a pantheon have Chaos, does that mean they never have problems, nobody ever fights among themselves and nothing unexpected ever happens?

Purviews are awesome powers that allow gods to embody giant ideals, but they're not the only things that can ever happen in a god's personality, and the absence of one at the Avatar level doesn't have to mean that god can't conceive of the concept. Just as a god who doesn't have Health could still be perfectly serviceable as a normal, non-magical medic, so gods that don't have Justice aren't somehow blind to the finer points of the law, especially if they happen to be, like the Amatsukami, both intelligent and sticklers for tradition and protocol.

Keep in mind, also, that just because a god doesn't have the Avatar of a purview doesn't mean that they have no boons in it and don't know what it is. Even if Amaterasu doesn't have Justice associated, she could still have eight levels of boons in it and be pretty goddamn amazing at the just smiting when she has the need to. After all, anyone who's played a Scion knows that you end up with several boons outside your main purviews - why should gods not do the same? It's useful and a great way to represent things they're associated with a little bit, but not associated with enough to have the Avatar.

Then, too, there's the fact that the Justice purview is far from the only way to enact justice; it's just a series of very handy shortcuts when it comes to determining guilt and assigning punishment. Gods without Justice have to do those things the old-fashioned way, by proving guilt and determining punishment normally; the Amatsukami might actually find that a point of pride, that they don't need magic powers to keep their house in order on this issue.

So no, I don't think the Amatsukami have any more trouble deciding legal matters than any other pantheon. In fact, considering their lack of Vengeance, they probably have fewer problems doing so than notorious hotheads like the Dodekatheon or Elohim. Lacking a god who is a dedicated judge does not in any way cause a pantheon not to have laws, a court or legal system to back them up, or beings with enough insight into the purview to use it when necessary. They probably just do it more formally instead of having a figure like Zeus lay down a verdict from on high without any more complex proceedings.

(As always, also, please note that we haven't done our associated power rewrite for the Amatsukami yet. I feel like it's very possible that Amaterasu might end up with Justice at the end, though of course we won't know until we get a chance to do it.)


  1. I'd rather assume that yes, justice, truth these things don't matter compared to perception and face since that's one of those traditional Japanese issues.

    1. Not at all though. Instead face is PART of their justice system. Japans justice works through massive guilt(which is the beginning of the justice purview) and punishing themselves...or committing suicide.

    2. Sadly, being all about law, order and justice does not mean that a group of people is also nice, fair or reasonable. It just means they're all about following the rules, and the Amatsukami are a people who live by logarithmic shit-tons of rules, many of which have to do with who can say what to whom when and how soon the shunning should begin.

    3. Maybe the above could be a part of their new PSP?
