Monday, August 27, 2012


Question: Who are Jesus and Ned?

We definitely googled this, but unfortunately we didn't come up with anything meaningful. If it's a reference to something, we didn't get it. If it's just you trolling us, we're only left puzzled.

I'm sorry, friend; we have no idea what you're talking about. Good luck on your internet travels.


  1. I think they're referencing Ned Ludd. He's a kind of "anti-folk hero" from what i can find... described as a half-wit and founder of the Luddites.

    The argument is about historical figures who may or may not be invented. One argument being "Why invent a fallen hero?"

    Just a thought. Still don't understand what they want from you...


    2. Yeah, we found the same article, but we were like... but that doesn't make sense. But now it's all cleared up below!

  2. Yeah hats all we could find too, but other then being kinda Christian we couldn't find any kinda connection with Jesus and figured they couldnt have meant him.

    He is a really weird guy though.

    1. Yup. The only related things i can find are the Robin Hood is to Ned Ludd (with only a single similarity, theirs being that they both lived in Sherwood Forest, as Jesus would be to Mohammad (Jerusalem?). Or the comparison of similar mythical figures with limited connections? go figure...

  3. You have a character in your characters roster named Misha Salehi, a Scion of Anahita. There is no fiction about her, only that she adventures alongside "Jesus" and "Ned" and there are no characters by those names on the roster, so I wanted to know who Jesus and Ned were and, by proxy, maybe a bit about Misha's adventure.

  4. Alright there's a very good chance my phone ate my last comment, so -

    There's a Scion of Anahita on your characters' roster named Misha Salehi. There's no fiction about her, no ties to any other characters, except that she went on adventures with a "Jesus" and "Ned"...who aren't on the character roster. I wanted to know who they were, and by proxy a bit about Misha's adventures.

    1. OH I GET IT. Ha!

      Jesus Ocelotl and Ned Cthonia were two Scions (of Tezcatlipoca and Hades, respectively) that Misha was played in a one-shot with, but they're not on the site due to being very minor characters (and us running out of room).

      Misha was written as a modern Scion for a one-shot, but has been retooled and will probably be joining the nineteenth-century Eastern Promises game at some point as a period-appropriate scholar of Islam. She won't have any fiction until then.

  5. Jacob. Im getting your comments in my email, but they arent showing up. I think the blogger spam filter may be eating them and only anne will be able to save them from the ether in the morning.

    1. But until HAVE to put more effort into your questions. How the HELL would we have figured out what you were asking?

      And to answer...I have no idea who those people are. It actually doesnt make sense because Misha is in a setting where Vegas doesnt exist yet. And shes not being currently played so I dont know a whole lot about her. Its annes character though so hopefully she can shed some light in the morning.

    2. Comments rescued from spam.

  6. I'm sorry! I didn't really know much more about them than their names anyway, so I hoped you guys would know...especially considering it's your site. Though it does give me a little amusement that you guys googled it and came up with wild theories and discussions about Jesus and Mohammed and the Luddites...

    1. Heh, well, in our brains we read Jesus as the Jewish figure instead of as Jesus, the Spanish name. So that was where the confusion happened.

  7. But like....there are over fourth characters on there from like ten different couldn't at least give us the pcs name? Im just amused at all. I gues Anne will answer the question now though

  8. Alright, I'm sorry I laughed it off. I apologize. I will make certain to be more descriptive in the future. :(

    1. We don't really mind the laughing, we were just confused. :)

  9. Alt + 0250 will get you ú in unicode.

    I'm sure Jesús probably appreciates it, just to cut down on confusion. :)
