Friday, August 3, 2012

The John Way

Question: Do you follow the rules in Scion: Demigod for upgrading newly minted demgod PCs when they reach Legend 5, or do you have a cool 'John' way of handling that?

Heh. Doing things the John way: with more yelling and math and autocracy.

Actually, Demigod upgrades in our games generally follow the template from the book; it does a good job of providing a nice boost without going overboard, and at Legend 5 there isn't as much need for very detailed personalization yet. The jump from Demigod to God is a much bigger deal, and there is a way detailed John system for that that I think we've discussed here before, but for Demigod there's usually no need to get overly fancy. (Trust me, the excitement of having access to Demigod-level powers usually takes up all the fanciness the players can possibly handle.)

We have, once in a while, done a slow upgrade to Demigod, however, doling out the bonuses over a period of time instead of all in one lump sum (either before hitting Legend 5 as a sort of ramp-up, or just after as a coming-into-their-own sort of time). Depending on your game, it may be more interesting or effective for the characters if they pick up a lot of cool skills as they go along, instead of just getting one upgrade and going back to the usual grind. On the other hand, lump sumps of bonuses are a lot of fun when they happen, so test the temperature of your group and choose accordingly (or mix it up now and then for fun!).

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