Saturday, August 11, 2012

Character Parade

Question: Out of all the Scions you've played, who would you say is the nearest and dearest to your heart? If they're not the same, who would you say do you relate to the most?

Things have been hectic for everyone lately thanks to moves, trips and reorganizing, so I saved this question for a while until there was more chance that the players could weigh in and talk about their characters. They've certainly played more of them than we have, and I think I'm just as curious to hear their answer to this question as you are!

For me, the answer is probably Alison Margaritas. She was my very first Scion character ever, and even though she's been an NPC for a long time and is currently crazier than a convention of schizophrenics, she still has a special place in my heart. Her emphasis on reason and rationale and flat rejection of those who tried to set themselves up as authority figures over her are echoes from my own personality, as is her driven need to prove herself and her tendency to discard her own attempts that seem flawed to her. I really enjoyed playing her, especially in contrast with Vivian's take-no-shit resistance, John's gentle calming influence, Kane's smooth-as-butter manipulations and, of course, incomprehensible Colin, whose idiosyncracies were both her cross to bear and something she fiercely defended, the relationship that was the real emotional core of the game for much of her development.

How about it, other people from our games? Which of your characters, great and small, did you/do you love playing the most? Which did you/do you relate to the best?

And reminder: we're not giving away who lived through The Great Ragnarok until I manage to write the novel-length treatment of that insanity, so keep any related deaths under your hats.


  1. So is Alison a God and if so the God of what?

    1. I'm afraid Alison's current status must be kept secret for plot reasons. Can't have the players knowing too much ahead of time. :)

      She's pretty awesome, though. In every sense of the word.

  2. I think it's obvious that Vivian is my favorite. Like Alison for Anne, she was my first Scion character almost four years ago and I'm still playing her. I love that she is both similar and disimilar to me; she is fiercely loyal to her few friends and will go out of her way to help them (most of the time), but she used to play fast and loose and has more urgency to try and do things I would never attempt.

    As far as the character who is most like me? I suppose it's Padma. She is the most quiet and polite of any character I've played, and she can be pretty wishy-washy when her father, "husband", and companions tell her she needs to do something. But she's also a hopeless romantic, even though she's trying to toughen up to protect herself.

    But there's always at least a bit of myself in every character I've played. Lapis was my girly fashionista side, Kitty my sense of humor, Vivian my charismatic and reasonable side, Penelope my cautious side, and Esme (a character from an online game not run by JSR) my strong convictions. I love them all!

    1. "Husband."

      I think we all love Vivian an unreasonable amount, too. She is the sass that keeps everyone from sinking into inevitable despair and despondency.

  3. I don't know if this is going to say Mat or not...but this is me! The character I relate to the most is probably Geoff, although I would have to say he is what I would like to be. When I role play as him I usually think "what would a better me do in this situation?". He was my first scion character, so I guess this is normal.

    Now all of my characters are fun for me in different ways. I really enjoyed being a stab machine as Seamus (who I tried to model as a hero/serial killer ala Dexter). It was interesting trying to play a character with no emotions besides anger.

    Hachiro was probably the coolest character I have played, and it was wonderful being both an antagonist as well as a member of the Japanese scion band. This was my first character who wasn't in the leader position, but more of a mage back-up character.

    When I wanted to try my hand at a manipulation character I created Shadan. I wanted a true rouge character, one who no one really knew if he was going to help or run away. I was able to be a selfish character who was trying to become something else, and it was an interesting dynamic, helping the party while at the same time staying true to the character (because my virtues wouldn't let me).

    Akhi is a completely new take for me as he is a non-social character. He is intelligent and powerful but he can't communicate well and gets frustrated when other don't understand or take a position against him.

    So my favorite would have to be Geoff/Sowiljur as he was my first and is near and dear to me. The most fun character I played was a toss up between Shadan and Hachiro. The most difficult character I've played was Seamus. We'll see how Akhi turns out!

    1. Akhi'll be fine. Why, he loves his band already.

  4. I know I am kinda new here, but use the main website to look up stuff a lot and decided to look at the blog and say this.

    My favorite character that I like playing as, which I still do for now, would be Gavriel Caspet. He is a scion of Bastet from the Egyptian pantheon. His background was that of kinda tough times from being young, his dad an Israeli and his mother a dancer. They met because his father was stationed as a guard in that town cause it was just taken over by Israel. They got married and had her records show she was Jewish at birth as to not raise alarms with the government.

    When Gavriel was 4, his mother went missing and his house was burned down in the riots. His father after losing his mother, went on to depression and became a functional alcoholic, though Gavriel had to take care of him to make sure he kept his job. When Gavriel turned 18 and was about to go into the military for his mandatory time, his father had enough and killed himself, which Gavriel blames to this day it is his fault.

    In the military, he did well. He had top marks in firing a rifle, given a sniper rifle and was going to be sent to a regular unit when there was a computer 'glitch' and he was sent to be part of a para-rescue division of the air force. It was there that he learned how to do battlefield medicine, though competent at that, he was mostly fire support so that he could keep others safe. In his old unit, he was given the nickname 'Lucky', cause he was the only one to survive 3 separate helicopter crashes that killed everyone else.

    He is mostly a quiet character, getting his job done and kind of following orders, though he keeps things to himself on accident most of the time. Though he can be a seeker of secrets, he has more marks as being a Protector of Secrets God, though he is not a god yet in my game. He is mostly there to keep secrets safe from anything trying to find them and dispatching them.

    His main abilities that he uses are Dexterity, Perception, Stamina, Intelligence, Darkness, and Moon. He has a couple more things that he uses in varying degrees. Though he may seem stretched, I have been able to make the character work so I am not over-stretched on abilities and makes him unique from everyone else. But yeah, Gavriel is my favorite character to play, though I hope to get into other games and play other characters I have thought about that would be fun to try out.

    1. He sounds awesome! I particularly like the idea of a God of Secrets, emphasis on keeping them - that's going to keep him busy and involved in a lot of cool stuff as a deity, I'd bet.

    2. Thanks, I am hoping that he does. Right now we are in Atlantis, so he trying to help keep the secret of the Atlanteans from escaping into the world without killing them off. That and also being the groups stealthiest character and killing things with ease. Like a basilisk or Kane Takao. Or other divine creatures cause I can pump out Aggravated Damage quickly with him. At first I did not mid-max, but I am slowly honing him in on a point of something he is good at.

      Like, oh you want to lie or hide from him, he sees you and can tell you are lieing. Trying to manipulate him, no he out thinks you. Trying to run away now, lol. No, he will track you down and kill you. Though the only issue is he has a bad group that has screwed him over a couple of times when he tried to help in his own way and because he is stuck with said group that is doing stuff to piss off the gods and humanity, he is starting to lose touch with his humanity he had as a human and hero level. That and being around people with egos and problems while he tries to be quiet, its just taxing on the character.

      I mean he has snapped before and if he wasn't a caretaker, he would of killed the tank of the group out of principle.(also had to roll against Conviction of three to not kill him instead of unarming of him.) So yeah, he is a fun character. Just pretty hard to play with a group that is kinda idiotic. lol. I'd quit, but I am trying to persevere cause its one of the few games that are being played unfortunately.
