Tuesday, August 13, 2013


How could anyone run a God-level game without being a mythology genius? I ask because I'm worried about my competence at that level; while I'm interested in it, I'm concerned I won't know enough.

Its a long way to god. And on the way, you're gonna learn a LOT about mythology. When you start scion you can get by with very little. Know the pcs parents, some stories to go with them, and maybe some relatives. If you wanna save yourself some time and make them all from 1 or 2 pantheons that'll get you considerably farther with little research. From there you can control the rate at which they learn about other gods cultures and stories from other parts of the world. Give yourself some goals, read a story of a culture you dont know very well, and then base the next scion story on it. By god you'll have years of time to work up your knowledge. And even then, its a constantly evolving process. Im still learning things all the time. I was 1 year into god game before I started the massive research project that was the bogovi.

And most importantly, you dont need to KNOW all the mythology information. During game do what you can and improvise. With a decent knowledge base and some fact checking later, you should be fine.

Also, dont get offended or upset if a player corrects you on something mythology-wise. Usually as STs, we are told not to let the players "correct us." But when we're using real world examples, that can happen sometimes and it can be helpful as long as they bring it up in a constructive manner. For example, your playing The Morrigan and you play her for some reason with no knowledge of the occult. A player might say "thats really odd, since she is a prophet I feel like she should know occult pretty well." If you did not mean for this change, or had just not thought of it, there is no harm in saying "o, you're right, I messed that up" and then retconning a bit(as long as its fairly recent). Or, you could have done it on purpose, and you smile at the players and say "yeah, thats strange, you should look into that." Its their favorite(its not).

But yeah, I think like anything you have aspirations towards, take it one step at a time, and remember every day is a chance to better yourself and grow towards your goal. I mean....instead of reading this gibberish you could be reading Gilgamesh!


  1. No, but seriously, messing up a character or story is the best fodder for plots and god-schemes. Besides the fact that doing so intentionally lends itself well to hinting at and building plots on he whole. You get corrected? Great, now you have an opportunity to make a plot, why would the god act that way? Can you link this to anything going on right now, etc? It's so perfect, and a godsend, as it were, for STs.

    1. Well, ...I think the best is probably always to plan this stuff ahead and have reasons for all your actions(if you get caught doing this too much the players lose faith in your story). But once in a while it can be good, and with the proper work can become excellent. But I woudlnt say its the best.
