Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Size That Counts

Question: Considering the Greeks' view that small penises are beautiful, do the male Olympians ever get laughed at behind their backs by cultures that value big members (such as the Orisha)?

Sure, probably. For cultures that consider a large phallus to be a sign of virility or power, it's likely that they'd see small manbits as marks that the Olympians are impotent or pitiful. Of course, the same is true in reverse, and the Dodekatheon would see folks with large members as comical, ridiculous or grotesque.

But hey, this isn't something that only applies to hilarious genitalia. All the pantheons have culture-specific ideas of beauty, honor, acceptable behavior and so on, and they're all likely to look down on those who don't conform to them. Like important people from different human cultures, they probably don't make fun of each other in public because that would be poor diplomatic practice, but privately giggle to themselves or make racist jokes when nobody's around.


  1. There were *so* many Greek-related dick jokes in Lost City of Atlanta.

  2. I can see Thor and the Dagda visiting the Dodekatheon end up in a bloodfest. Thank gods they're not the sort their respective pantheons would send if they're expecting a non-violent talk.

    1. The Dagda is like... I don't even know if they'd know what to do with him, other than stare and then ban him from all polite company. Put that horrifying thing away, man, nobody wants to see that!
