Sunday, August 25, 2013

Progeny by Proxy

Question: Would the children of two Avataras (Rama and Sita) be considered Scions, or just mortals? (Lava and Kusha)

Ooh, neat question!

We would consider children of Hindu avatara to function just like the children of Scions who have not yet achieved apotheosis; their parents could never make them Scions since avatara can't get that high in Legend, but their "grandparents" - that is, the god who the avatar belongs to - could. Lava and Kusha could be called to become Scions by either Vishnu or Lakshmi, or left to live out their lives as mortals. As we can see from their city-founding exploits, the two probably were Hero-level Scions.

However, the Avatara boon depends on a goddess not interfering with her avatar, and that includes any children she might have borne. If she wants to involve herself in that child's life by admitting she's his real mother, she will likely lose the benefits of the Avatara boon and have to create a new avatar to spread her legend on earth.


  1. This is a pretty awesome way of looking at it and I couldn't agree more!
