Monday, August 12, 2013

Skills Gone Wild

Question: Hey guys, just wondering why you removed Lugh's Athletics associated ability. And why does he have Survival and Empathy? Thanks!

Well, Survival and Empathy are easy; Lugh gained those very recently because he lost Craft and Science in the wake of the new changes to crafting and needed new abilities to replace them. Lugh has something of an impressive instant rapport with the rest of his pantheon, not to mention the ability to lie to the Sons of Tuireann like a stone-cold bitch, so Empathy seemed appropriate as an ability association. He was given Survival as a catch-all for The Guy Who Is Good At Everything, since it covers farming, tracking and everything else that has to do with outdoorsmanship.

For a minute I stared at this and thought, "Hmm, why did we take Athletics away?" Then I realized that we did that a long time ago, when we removed it to make room for Craft and Science, which were much more appropriate for Lugh's jack-of-all-trades abilities. Then, when we removed those, we subbed in the current two.

But you know, I'm wondering about it now, because Athletics certainly seems Lugh-ish, and I'm not sure if it might be a better fit than Survival. John, whatcha think?


  1. Instant rapport seems a little bit suspsicious since Ogma wouldn't even let him in the front door at first, and I am not sure lying toa bunch of Scions it a that big of a feat for a full blown god.

    So it seems like he has some of the empathy, but not all of the empathy. Meanwhile, Athletics and Survival do seem very Lugh-ish now that you explained what the Survival is all about.

    1. I don't know that I agree with your arguments against Empathy, but I'm definitely starting to come around to the idea that Athletics might be a better fit.

    2. Wouldn't Lugh and Ogma at the door be more Politics than Empathy anyway?

    3. Definitely seems more like Politics.

      Not to mention Ogma has no Integrity OR Epic Appearance OR Epic Intelligence OR Epic Wits favored(social resistance stats).

    4. Just because you dont have resist stats at max doesnt mean you dont have them.
      I agree with athletics though, that instead of survival probably. I dont know, lugh does all the things.

    5. It does mean that someone with all the charisma and all the empathy shouldn't have any trouble talking his way past you.
