Monday, January 13, 2014

Duke It Out

Question: Why are so many people interested in your take on a 'who would win in a fight?'? I don't get it. It seems like an pointless question. Out of Scion, it's pointless, and inside the answer should be "whichever makes for a better story in your game"... in my opinion, at least. I suppose asking for auxiliary problems of it makes some more sense, but other than that... also this stopped being a question. I'm sorry. Uh, thank you for doing site stuff? Yeah. Let's end with that!

I think it's probably just because it's a fun topic for a lot of people to think about. Gods getting into god combat is pulse-pounding and exciting! Anything could happen! How could would it be if X God got into it with Y God, especially if they're from pantheons that have never interacted in mythology and therefore this could never have happened before?

But, you know, our answer is always the same - "I don't know, there are way too many variables to make a guess and gods can do way too much crazy stuff, plus it's pretty unlikely that any of them would get into a straight-up fight that way anyway unless things were already bananas." So we're never much help.

But thanks for reading anyway, you guys, and enjoying stuff we do. :)

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