Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cross-Universe Teotl!

New art time! This time, we have a really neat treat: GriffinGuy24, who many of you know and love from the Onyx Path forums and our own comment threads here has done some artwork of not only our own characters, but with his own Scion Alan Lord guest starring with them. Alan and our own Aztec PCs have obviously never actually met, since they're in different games, but he created some imagined scenes of what interacting with them might look like.

In this one, Alan tries to do some sciencing, but Maquicelotl is just as big a pain in his ass as he is in Geoff's. Jaguars are territorial creatures. There ain't room enough for them all on this pyramid.

In this one, Alan, who is all about being in touch with nature, tries to mediate between Yoloxochitl and her axolotl nahuatl, with whom she never gets along because she has no Animal Ken or Animal boons and is basically salamander kryptonite. It seems to like him way more than it likes her.

And in this one, Eztli has gone into Courage Extremity, so Alan, who is built to soak a lot of hits but doesn't have the hierarchical clout to try to pawn the job off on someone else, has been sent by the pantheon to let her knock him around until she gets it out of her system. In the back, their nahualli are similarly embroiled.

Basically, all of these are adorable, and we love the look into what it might be like if the characters of these games collided! And of course, you know I can never have enough Aztec deities running around here. Thanks for these, Griff!


  1. Yay! More art! Awesome stuff Griff!

  2. Happy that you enjoyed this. Stuff like this kicks around my head until I can't get it out.

    Some fun facts about the pictures for the curious...

    - Alan's at a centrifuge and holding a micropipette. He's wearing an old-timey lab coat, because while not much could burn through his skin, why do science without one?

    - The boxes are labeled "Andromeda Strain" (from the eponymous Michael Chrichton novel and film), "Captain Tripps" (The superflu from Stephen King's "The Stand"), and "Red Death" (From Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death").

    - Alan's making the above diseases, presumably to unleash upon an unsuspecting public (He developed a weird moral code by apotheosis). Jay interfering with his work makes him a hero.

    - Jay was given the description as being in constant shadow, hence the lamp. Also, you can't tell thanks to the foreground, but Jay's legs are digitigrade, like a feline's

    - The tattoos on Jay's arms are supposed to be based somewhat on Mexican gang tattoos, but for the uninitiated, those are a bitch and a half to draw, given their detail and how much of the skin they take up. Hence the heavily-simplified versions here.

    - In the second picture, Ix Chel, Alan's jaguar nahualli was supposed to look at the entire situation with a sense of aloof condescension. However, that's not at all different from a feline's default expression

    - If I were being scientifically accurate, axolotls do not grow that big. Also, they lack eyelids, so that expression would never be found on an actual axolotl. I give precisely zero fucks. I had a more accurate version in one of my scribbles, but tossed it without a second thought.

    - The last picture went through the most drafts, because I wanted to show that Alan could take the beating Sangria dished out, but didn't want to make it look like he was just no-selling the entire thing. The "Alan crawling out of a landslide bruised but generally all right" was what I ended up going for.

    - To show the severity of the beating, Alan's hat/headdress has been demolished. Worry not, he has a closet full of them.

    - Vampire bat features are fun to draw.

    - Tattoos are not as much fun to draw. Sangria's belly-tattoo shows the Aztec calender stone's central Tonatiuh sun disk, replaced with her bat-face, but it was hard to do at that scale.

    - Come to think of it, jaguar rosettes would be more of a bitch if I hadn't been drawing them continuously since I was five and can thus do them in my sleep.

    - I was very tempted to have a speech bubble where Cuacitlali yells out "AH AHM DA EA-ER OF FTARF!" (Which is "I am the eater of stars" spoken through a mouthful of jaguar leg).
