Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Chess with a Pirate

It's art time again! Today we have a painting of two of the biggest Fate-twisting headaches any Scion ever had to deal with: Aurora as the goddess Vala, and Colin as the Nameless God.

In this particular scene, Colin had created a giant chess game (with not enough pieces, and obviously not normal rules) and invited Aurora's band to play it in order to gain secret knowledge from him. Since they had no idea how it was played, one by one they made wrong moves and fell over having Chaos-motivated seizures until only Aurora was left, at which point she sat down on the fallen chess pieces and played Twenty Questions with Colin instead. Much occult was learned, although both of them weren't entirely sure they knew what the other was talking about.

By talented artist Samantha Braithwaite!

As always, many props to the awesome artists who do these things. You guys are great!

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