Friday, January 10, 2014

Dancing in the Streets

Oh, man, you guys, do we ever have some more art for you tonight! From two different artists and two different games, and both are fantastic.

First, we have one of our all-time favorite scenes from Better Next Time, starring everyone's favorite pain in the ass, Goze! After discovering that Raijin and Fujin had seized control of the skies over Japan and were pretty much drowning the entire area in a constant hurricane, Geoff's group went to try to stop them by infiltrating in an undercover mission. However, they were pretty sure that one or both of them would notice if a rogue band of Scions suddenly appeared in their territory, so Goze was split off to go on a solo distraction mission. Upon arriving at their base, Goze spent several minutes almost getting eaten, and finally hit upon the idea of keeping the none-too-bright ogres occupied with tricks and flim-flammery. Finally, in desperation, he started busting off tribal dance moves he had learned from an Australian goddess, and poured everything he had into a crazy high roll to succeed. And succeed he did - so well, in fact, that both Raijin and Fujin joined in. They then proceeded to dance so energetically and for so long that Goze was forced to create a doppelgaenger of himself to leave there, eternally dancing with them while he made his escape.

Which leads to this incredibly awesome picture of a giant Japanese monster dance party:

By Samantha Braithwaite!

But that's not all! Over in Eastern Promises, we also have a great new picture of James Howard, Duke of Norfolk, squiring the Lady Leona Middleton about town on the lovely streets of Charleston, before the many Great Irritations of America started harshing all over their courtship. Mrs. Young, acting as chaperone, really does look like she operates under a constant raincloud of dislike and crankiness.

By Steph!

Guys, I am just completely bowled over by how awesome these artists are, and how incredibly neat it is that they want to draw things for our games. If they lived close enough, I'd hug both of them, and everyone they know. Give them a round of applause!


  1. There is something about both of these that make me just fall in love with them.

    The first is just outright fun and amazing color work. The second almost looks like a Disney film!

  2. Goze continues to be great.

    1. Oh anonymous. You make me happy!

  3. I am so happy right now!!! Steph I LOVE you!

  4. This is absolutely bad ass and I might need to hang the Goze party in my livingroom.
