Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Walk on the Wild Side

Question: My question is about totem animals, specifically the differences between them. For example, in one post you said that Sowiljr is trying to get a nahualli - how is that different from a Hindu Scion trying to get a vahana? And once you get one, how do you represent it? With a series of Animal boons, with a magic version of the animal as a Creature Birthright? How does it show up on paper?

Ooh, what a fun question! Different cultures' totem animals are indeed different, you're right; how they differ exactly depends on what they represent and how they're used in that culture. In the case of both nahualli and vahana, we represent the creature as a specialty Birthright, but as one is the other half of an Aztlanti god's feral soul and the other a symbol representing its Deva master's attributes and dominion, they are very different in execution.

So here are some examples! First, let's just use Eztli's nahualli, because she's an easy one to point to.

Eztli's nahualli is an enormous bat named Cuacitlali ("eater of stars"). It's represented as an eight-dot special Birthright that cannot be stolen or removed from her in any way. She gained it during her ascension to godhood without too much muss and fuss because she had been raised more or less in what was left of Aztec society and had been properly named and ceremonialized and so forth, so grabbing hold of and harnessing the other half of her own soul came naturally to her. Exactly what the nahualli animal is is generally left up to the player, but it is usually related to their personality and the meaning behind their Aztec name; with a name meaning "blood" and a reputation for scaring the daylights out of people, Eztli's soul taking the form of a vampire bat is not a surprise to anyone.

Nahualli are literally part of their Scions as the other half of their souls; Eztli is Cuacitlali and Cuacitlali is Eztli. Therefore, she can choose to appear as herself, as the bat, or walking side-by-side with it as the dual creature she is. She can swap between them any time, for free and without requiring an action, because she's not really changing anything, just showing a different aspect of what she already is. She can't take advantage of this for combat purposes - she can't attack with the bat to use her Perfect Partner, for example, nor can she use it to get extra attacks on the same action - because it's not truly a separate creature, but she still often stunts double attacks as being done one by herself and one by the bat, and swapping between forms is particularly convenient when she needs wings in a hurry but doesn't want to spend an action growing them or using Wind's Freedom. We also encourage PCs with nahualli to play their personalities, which is usually a lot of fun; they're the "missing" half of that PC's soul, so they often behave in ways the PC wouldn't. Cuacitlali, in particular, is volatile, emotional and bad-tempered, things that Eztli herself is not, because it has all the emotional parts of her soul. (In the words of Sowiljr, "Great. Now I have a wife who couldn't care less about me and a violently jealous and angry bat.") She's also had a lot of fun with its aversion to light; it's not mechanically hurt by it, but man does it get upset when Sowiljr starts busting Sun boons in its face (and Terminus, who has Animal Communication for Bat and is the only other person who can understand it, finds the resulting furious diatribes hilarious).

Having access to her nahualli gives Eztli a lot of mechanical bonuses; since she's one with batkind, she is able to use her Itztli boons on bats as well as she could on humans, particularly useful when she's running low on Legend but her band isn't letting her eat the hearts of any people right at that moment. She can also pay 5 points of Legend instead of 1 when she uses Animal Form, and if she does she keeps all her own stats instead of reverting to a normal bat's, again because she already is a bat (the biggest and baddest bat, in fact). Finally, being in touch with her animal side gives her bonuses to her use of the Animal purview for bats, and she gets to count her Itztli boons as if they were Animal boons when she uses Animal Feature and Bestial Nature.

And that's pretty much how we roll with a nahualli. It's not a creature Birthright, because those are already in the game and it wouldn't be doing anything particularly unique and interesting for us, but instead a custom Birthright that reflects Eztli's connection to her nahualli animal and how it bolsters her power. It also depends heavily on the fact that Eztli is good with her totem animals; in a contrasting example, Yoloxochitl has a nahualli (an axolotl, because, like her, it's ridiculously adorable and refuses to leave its immature stage and grow up), but she doesn't know its name because she can't talk to it and doesn't have any real connection to it, and her total lack of Animal Ken means that it pretty much dislikes her and provides very few bonuses. At the moment, it only gives her her total Animal boons as a bonus to Appearance rolls and her total Animal Ken dots as a bonus to Survival rolls (and the second is useless because she has no Animal Ken). Her lack of any ability to commune or deal with her nahualli means that she can't swap back and forth into it at will the way Eztli does, and instead we have her roll a die each day; if she gets a 1, the nahualli takes over and she abruptly turns into an axolotl that does whatever it wants for the rest of the day, which has led to some hilarious situations. ("Why are your eyes crossed?" "Vigil Brand." "Did something happen to Kettila?" "I don't know, but there's a pink salamander falling off the World Tree.") She's working on getting some Animal boons and Animal Ken to hopefully make peace with her animal half, but for now they have something of an adorably antagonistic relationship, and the giant pool full of axolotls in her Sanctum just run from one side of the pond to the other to avoid her whenever she's there.

We have not gotten to stat up a vahana in game yet because none of our Devas are above Legend 4 at the moment, but we're looking forward to it. Like the nahualli above, we'd expect a player to come up with an appropriate animal that represents either their own attributes, something they suppress by controlling and riding it, or both. Unlike the nahualli, it probably would be a separate creature or follower Birthright that could take actions on its own if you wanted it to, but it's unlikely that it'd be that great in combat; we'd probably give it bonuses to traveling quickly, safely and surely to reflect its main function as a mount, and possibly some extra bonuses to the purviews that it represents and to its master when they take actions while impressively mounted on it. Considering that vahana are usually lesser immortals or minor deities that dedicate themselves to the service of a Deva, there would probably also need to be some kind of quest or at least prior connection between the Scion and his chosen vahana. Considering that some Devas even have people or inanimate objects as vahana (very very rarely, but it does happen), I'd entertain PC suggestions for those, too, though an animal's the most likely. I could also see a Deva god getting a couple of vahana for different occasions, as many of the Hindu gods are seen riding different ones at different times; alternatively, a vahana might be a Birthright that can be loaned out to others to help them take advantage of its bonuses, unlike the very personal and inseparable nahualli of the Aztecs.

Anyway: what all those paragraphs of examples are trying to say is that things like nahualli, vahana or fylgja are super-cool expressions of a specific culture's beliefs about totem animals, and as such are not really covered adequately by just using Animal boons or normal creature Birthrights. Custom Birthrights hit the spot just right for us; not only are they designed to capture the spirit of the myths that the creature comes from, but they also allow us to specifically tailor it to fit the individual PC, which is what totem animals are really meant to do in the first place.


  1. Do you require a specific level of Legend to acquire a nahualli or other thingy? I'd also be very interested to see how you guys handle nahualli systematically. I know Griffinguy on the Forums did a nahualli system, but it's basically just a series of Boons you can buy for your Creature.

    1. Require? probably not? So far we've had people get them at god, and pre-god only Sangria even really talked about it or brought it up. For now we just do it like any other very powerful relic, with most of the powers dealing with powers the nahualli would have.

      We have had several arguments about when/if we rewrite the psp working nahualli into it. And anne wanted to work on making it a seperate aztec only type of birthright with new stuff, possibly allowing you to be in two places like once eventually like Tezcat can, but thats for our Mexica if we ever get time to work on that.

    2. Yeah, there's no Legend requirement, per se, since theoretically nahualli are something that mortal sorcerers (i.e., probably Hero-level Scions) can have access to, but so far we've granted them at God when the PCs don't take previous initiative to try to do something with them. (Actually, that's not entirely true - Chicahua has "met" his nahualli in dreams before and he's only Legend 3, though he doesn't have access to it as a Birthright yet.) If a lower-Legend Scion wanted to make getting in contact with their nahualli a priority, I'd certainly let them go for it at lower Legend levels.

      Yeah, I'm just not a big fan of the boons approach to nahualli - they aren't a powerset so much as they're a half of your personality, so I prefer to let them be represented as a special form of Birthright.

  2. I'm the guy who asked this question, thank you for this very helpful article, and I'm sorry if the following question sounds stupid. Okay. If an Aztlanti Scion marries a Hindu Scion, could said Hindu god treat the Nahualli of the Aztlanti god as their Vahana? I know it sounds a bit ridiculous but if a Vahana can be a deity and a Nahualli is effectively half a deity and these two gods share a strong connection (in this example marriage)would you say that's a sound concept? I would like to get your honest criticism on this idea.

    1. Not a stupid question at all - Scions are bound to run roughshod all over one anothers' cultures in weird ways sometimes. :)

      I would say that if the Hindu Scion wants any Birthright benefits from the vahana, then the answer is no; it's the Aztlanti Scion's Birthright, and no two Scions can ever get the benefit of the same Birthright unless they use Steal Birthright (in which case the Aztlanti Scion wouldn't have a nahualli anymore, something I imagine would not be good for marital harmony). If the Deva Scion wants to get some fancy bonuses to the vahana that they can use themselves, it'll need to be a separate Birthright. However, if they really want to play up that connection they have to their Aztlanti spouse, I don't see any reason that they couldn't get a vahana Birthright that was the same kind of animal. (The Birthrights could even hang out together and gossip about their owners. It'd be lovely.)

      If the Deva doesn't care about getting bonuses and the Aztlanti is willing to let him ride around on her nahualli, though, then yeah, that could totally work just fine. He'd be known for having that animal as a vahana and as long as she was around with him, be able to appear as impressively mounted as the next Hindu god.

    2. Heh, for some reason I'm now envisioning the Scion-in-nahualli-form being used as the vahana.

      Insert a lame pun about the "mount" here.

  3. are you gonna change the morrigan to animal blackbird?

    1. We probaby ought to, just for consistency's sake. She obviously never does anything with bluejays or treepies, but that's something from the book we ought to fix to avoid confusion, you're right.

  4. What would you do for someone with a totem insect? Would it be like a giant bug, or could it be a swarm. I'm asking because one of my Aztlanti players has Animal (Dragonfly).

    1. I'd probably lean more toward a giant bug for nahualli, since it's part of the Scion's soul and ought to be a single discrete creature, but more toward a swam for a vahana, as the idea of a Deva wafting around on a huge cloud of bees or flies seems like the sort of thing they'd do. I'd discuss it with the player and see what they prefer, though; if Ganesha can gave a giant mouse, I see no reason another Deva can't have a giant bug.

    2. For these two specific examples, nahualli and vahana, they're traditionally 1 animal, not several. So Id keep it as 1 animal. This is because the animal part is a thinking talking half of their soul not a giant swarm of different creatures. The creature should have a personality and be distinct.

      Also, just because they have an animal purview doesnt mean that animal has to be their creature. Sangria actually had animal:eagle before she got her nahualli.

    3. Yeah, especially in the case of the Aztlanti, it's often likely that a Scion's nahualli will be different from their parents' (and thus different from the Animal they may have been buying).

  5. I love this post.

    This is basically exactly what I was trying and failing to do with my nahualli Boons, and later my attempt at revamping the Creature Birthright...

    Dr. Alan Lord, the character I usually bring out whenever I play Scion, always gets his jaguar nahualli, Ix Chel, at Visitation. Since I personally subscribe to the Phillip Pullman school of animal-soul-companions, I usually have it that the nahualli is the opposite gender of the Scion, but that's my choice.

    And I also play up the "animal half is the unseen part of the human's personality" aspect. Alan is humble, Ix Chel is proud. Alan is friendly and cares about others, Ix Chel is a standoffish loner. Alan tries to find solutions that don't immediately resort to violence, Ix Chel thinks murder is the best solution for any problem. ...Usually, the more he grows, the less distinction there is between the two.

    I also like those mechanical bonuses, in particular the "use Itztli Boons on the nahualli's species". Though, in that case, I'd use it for conflict more than ease, since as a conservation biologist, Alan would be a lot more reluctant to use Itztli on jaguars than on humans.

    And, as a sidenote, I also love the difference between Eztli and Yoloxochitl's connections to their nahualli. It's a fantastic dichotomy right there.

    1. Aww, this comment gave me such a warm fuzzy.

      Odd that you mention that - Eztli's nahualli was originally male before she fully gained control of it, at which point it became female to match her. Nobody's checked under the axolotl's tail yet, so it remains a mystery.

      Yoloxochitl and her fractious other half are a player favorite situation, I think. The whole table pretty much roots for her to roll that 1 every single day.

    2. Glad to provide the warm fuzzies.

      Even if they did check under the tail, given that amphibians have cloacas, it wouldn't be that easy. Particularly if you have no dots in Animal Ken or Science (Zoology)... and come to think of it, where would one of those abilities end and the other begin?... Anyway, I'm sure I'd also be at the edge of my seat hoping my teammate would turn into a neotenic tiger salamander. It sounds like a hoot and a half

      And one question on nahuallis and combat, particularly at Hero level. You mentioned Eztli, while doing awesome stunt-attacks, doesn't benefit mechanically in combat... is there a way that it could be used to benefit the Scion whose human form hangs back and tries to unravel the problems of hell-portal spewing demonic maggots, heal his allies, and deduce the weak point on the giant enemy crab his allies must attack for massive damage, whilst his nahaulli form acts as his personal mammalian murder machine and proceeds to turn Formorian intestines into dental floss?

    3. Hmm... probably not, because we really prefer to keep the nahualli a part of a single being with the Scion rather than a separate creature. To take separate actions, they'd need a Creature Birthright to attack while they did other things. But I could absolutely see doing that as a stunted double action, where the nahualli attacks "on its own" while the human half takes a different mental action at the same time; they'd still mechanically count as the same person taking a double action (so -4 dice penalty), but it would definitely be flavored as the nahualli going to town while its more rational half thought it out. If the Scion happens to have Multi-Tasking, there wouldn't even be a dice penalty; he could be back there doing six different mental actions while the nahualli worked on curb-stomping their mutual enemy.

      We usually assume Animal Ken is kind of like Presence for animals; it involves having basic knowledge of the animals, but it's more about being able to read their body language and respond appropriately, and generally do all the correct things to intimidate/be inoffensive/whatever when dealing with them. Zoology would cover more knowing intimate details about their physiology, life, biology etc. - not necessarily that helpful when dealing with them one on one, but good to known in academic situations or when trying to figure out a long-range strategy.

      Yeah, considering that Kettila removed her own reproductive organs at some point anyway, the axolotl's indeterminate sex is not really a big point of curiosity for anyone.
