Friday, May 4, 2012

Killer Queen

Question: Why does Aiona have so many enemies? I can understand some of the Nemetondevos being her enemies (though it seems like almost half of them hate her). But what happened between her and the members of her own pantheon?

What happened is that Aiona is a terrible, vengeful, sociopathic person. I'd be frankly surprised she doesn't have more enemies, honestly, except that until recently she had no social stats to speak of and so other gods tended to ignore her.

The Nemetondevos on her list are pretty much all the ones she's met; with the exception of Belenos, at whom she had a hard time being pissed off because he's just so darn beautiful, she got her hate-on for the others at her own trial, when she and the rest of the band found themselves forced to undergo judgment for their sacking of Paris before the Nemetondevos would allow them to enter diplomatic negotiations (as for the others, Sowiljr was acquitted of the charges of conspiracy, Terminus was convicted of murder and vandalism but was judged to have already served his sentence in Psychic Prison, Zwazo Fou Fou was acquitted on the grounds that they could not prove that he was actually Marcus James instead of his identical twin, and Eztli, who was having something of a nasty rivalry with Andarta at the time, was subjected to trial by combat, which she won and therefore had her charges dropped). Aiona pretty much pled guilty with extremely bad grace - I believe her statement was something along the lines of, "Well, I read your rules last night, apparently by your stupid laws I'm guilty, so hurry up and sentence me so we can get this over with," - and she has carried a grudge against them ever since.

In addition, she's especially un-fond of Andarta, as the latter goddess killed her mother Athena in combat when Athena invaded Dubnolissos at an earlier date. She'd probably be on a crusade to wipe out all the Nemetondevos on the strength of that alone, but she still hasn't met some of them, so they don't appear on her list. It's only through Sowiljr's considerable mojo that she doesn't decide to go destroy all the carefully-laid negotiations they've already been through by trying to stab in some Gaul's face.

As for Hestia and Demeter, she was there when, at Terminus' wedding, both declared their intention to leave to become Titan Avatars, citing various grievances (Hestia did not believe that there was any place for her on Olympus anymore, while Demeter, hysterical that Fimbulwinter had basically allowed Hades to keep her daughter year-round, accused the Dodekatheon of not honoring the arrangement Zeus had set up so long ago). Aiona's immediate reaction, of course, was to demand that they be pursued and destroyed, and she's been quite upset that nobody else wants to march into Muspelheim or Terra with her. (Incidentally, she also went on crusade against Hecate for a while because she thought the goddess was in cahoots with the other two, but Zeus eventually convinced her to cut it out and that she must have misinterpreted something.)

Her disagreements with Iapetus and Thanatos are more philosophical - they're Titans that represent The End, she's a goddess who represents Eternal Continuance. They piss each other off.

Poor Hephaestus is a sad and tragic story; he's Aiona's real father who gave her up to Athena for adoption, a fact that she discovered fairly early on in her Hero career via Mystery. She spent quite a while trying to win his affections as a young Demigod, but since both she and he are bad at social interaction, they ended up in a sort of cold war where neither one knew how to express their feelings. So Hephaestus gave Aiona a letter that she could only open by slowly burning it with magical flame over a long period of time, and the two parted ways. When Hephaestus later decided to go with Hestia to Muspelheim, Aiona flipped out at his betrayal (compounded by the fact that she discovered that he was at least partially responsible for Athena's suicidal dash into Dubnolissos) and had to be restrained by the rest of her band lest she go after him immediately. When she finally gained enough Fire to be able to get his envelope open later, it contained a heartfelt letter from Hephaestus, apologizing that he wasn't a better father, expressing remorse for the way things had turned out and reminding her that he still loved her. She tore it to shreds and declared that she was going to march into Muspelheim alone if necessary to murder him, so Sowiljr is also in charge, currently, of preventing her from attempting to do so lest she get everybody killed. So, yeah, Aiona and her dad are not getting along.

And, of course, Izanami is extremely likely to do bad things to Aiona because Aiona straight-up murdered a helpless Hero-level daughter of Izanami in Japan for her own ends. Izanami's son, Hachiro, has grown quite powerful since the incident and is running a relentless campaign of destruction and chaos against her (and, unfortunately for them, against her bandmates, who are not at all pleased that her murderous streak is ruining their lives as well). He'll probably join the enemy list as soon as he reaches apotheosis himself, which ought to be any day now.

What's really sad is that Aiona's enemy list is only counting those enemies she has that she hasn't already murdered in the face (Ajax and Pastor Timmy, we hardly knew ye!).


  1. so what aspects of there respective titans do Hestia and Demeter represent and is Hepheastus currently working with prometheus to come up with all kind of nasty things?

    1. Hestia represents the hearth; comforting, warming flame turned toward the good of humanity, as well as the metaphorical center of all human habitation.

      Demeter represents the tyranny of cultivation; she's all about fields and farms, orchards and harvests, the obliteration of the natural in favor of the ordered and cultivated. She's actually pissing off a lot of nature gods (and other Titans) a lot, but that's not stopping her.

      Hephaestus is certainly Up to Stuff, but unfortunately we can't give away exactly what because our players don't know yet. :) They don't even know why specifically he decided to jump ship into Muspelheim, just that he did. They've uncovered a few clues and pranks he's pulled, including giving Ares a nasty infestation of nano-crabs and what seems to be a mysterious connection between him and Gobnhios, but other than that he's still an enigma.

    2. I'm surprised that the titan of fire would even let her in considering she's completely pro-human. Kagatsuchi alone has got to hate her breathing guts as she is his diametric opposite.

    3. Ah, but a Titan is the source of all of that concept that exists - Fire might be usually scary and detrimental, but it also has positive aspects, which are also part of the overall concept that the Titan embodies. I doubt Hestia is going to go out and try to foil Kagutsuchi's efforts (in fact, she probably doesn't leave her hearth much if at all), so their paths probably aren't going to cross very much. (And considering that Hestia has the mother of all Sacred Hearths, he might find being near her pretty pleasant, actually.)

    4. But Hestia is the aspect of fire used to comfort and heal people, while kagatsuchi is the fire used to murder them. How can they stand the sight of each other? and doesn't having such an altruistic aspect cause some fundamental change in that titans makeup? I assume that Hestia part of the titan realm is some sort of giant Hearth and hall that puts valhallah to shame in it's abilities to offer succor and comfort. The same with Demeter. The titans hate her becuase she is a representation of hated humanity. I assumed that Hestia would be disliked for the same reasons.

    5. I dont necessarily hate monkeys cause they're different from me. Titans are forces of nature, but they're also entities trying to win a war. They're intelligent, complicated beings who have goals and priorities. They dont flip out and hate others just because the other person embodies different things.

    6. Sutr and Prometheus are also diametrically opposed. Most titans from most realms are, they represent different versions of the same element. Its just natural for their to be variation.

    7. which is how they lost the first titanomachy. the opposing forces spent as much time fighting each other as they did the gods. But now they have a hierarchy and have put there differences aside. But feeling like she has no place can't be the only reason that Hestia chucked the Dodekatheon and adopted Titanic virtues.

    8. Did they? Is that something the books made up? Because they're different cultures, the titans generally had nothing to do with each other.

      The hestia bit gets into the metaphysics of the problems. What it is to be a god vs a titan. The God of something vs the embodiment of that thing.

    9. I was talking about the conflicts between avatars of the same titan. Being the embodiment of a concept is all fine and dandy, but don't forget it also comes with titanic corruption and titanic virtues. How does Hestia being the embodiment of Human comfort and habitation mesh with titanic virtues? What's the flip side. For demeter I'd bet it was the stagnation of human control, that her orchards and fields don't allow for any change or originality or spontanaity of nature. Despite being the embodiment of cultivation, I would also think that any god wandering in would have to fight not to be turned into a plant or tree and that eating any of the food would carry nasty surprises.

  2. I'm surprised her bandmates are still sticking by her. I think I'd be trying to set her up, give one of her many enemies a shot at her. I think there would only be so much she could get the rest of the bandmates into before one of them snapped. :)

    1. Fortunately (or unfortunately?), Aiona and her band had Sanctify Band cast on them back in their Demigod days, so they're pretty tight as a group. They definitely do not always get along, however - Eztli recently beat the living shit out of her when she Valor extremitied and tried to attack her, and everybody else pretty much just did their nails and waited for the situation to resolve itself. Sowiljr has an established habit now of just spending Willpower to ignore her (or Terminus) when they cause themselves trouble instead of having to Come Running, and Terminus and Aiona have had terrible slapfights that are the stuff of legend, usually leaving the two of them mutually unconscious and not speaking for a few days.

      But they're always there for each other if things get life-threatening, because that's how they roll. Plus, they would all be liars if they said they didn't really, really, really like her badass healing skills.

    2. Well, its a great deal of give and take. The rest of the bandmates also have pretty long lists of enemies.

      Last week Aiona died because of one of Sowiljr's enemies. But I dont think anyone has died because of aiona's enemies yet.

    3. I think that's the first time a PC has died in that game ever, actually. They're much better at keeping each other alive than Aurora and her crew.

    4. Goze is much better with his "you will not die" button. And they have 4 healers...and 3 guardians.

    5. Yeah, having more than one person with Guardian is pretty insane.

  3. I feel like I need to explain a bit more the reason behind Aiona tearing up the letter from Hephaestus and vowing to kill him.

    The letter was actually given to her after she spent time with her dad and siblings at his house for a while. While she was there, she worked on building a basically an indestructible army of tanks that she thought we going to be used on their side of the war. By the time she was able to open the letter, she had done mystery to find that Hephaestus was one of the many on the list of those who plotted in Athena's death, and she had found out that he had turned Titan. So really, it's not just that he has betrayed his pantheon. It's that he had tricked Aiona into helping him in a fight that she is against, as well as murdering the one of the only people who had ever actually wanted and loved her. To her, his letter was not that of a loving father to his daughter, it was him trying to justify his actions to her. The problem is, she has no empathy, and cannot condone his actions that were based purely on emotions, and not logic.

  4. so what happens now that Aiona is gone?

    1. Pay a Shen to cast "res person"

    2. You get your shen out of here!
      But seriously, hades was there. Now she just owes him. We didnt go much past that in game, everyone was exhausted.

  5. She got very lucky. Since it was a super epic god fight, Hermes ran for Hades, so he was there to res her right after. Or rather, bind her soul to her body so she can heal.

    1. O, jennie answered that right here, excellent.

  6. As an aside, what are the mechanics you use for a god becoming a titan avatar? As in, how do they achieve it? Are there any mechanics you use to convert them? Can PCs do it? If they can, are they still PCs when they've done it?

    1. No mechanics. Work with it on a case by case basis. Mechanics of actually achieving also case by case basis. Only done to further a specific story or because of pc events and so its never something that "needS" mechanics.
      Pcs can do it I guess? They wouldnt be PCs anymore.
