Wednesday, May 30, 2012

If You Cut Us, Do We Not Bleed?

Question: Is it just me, or is Greenskin underpowered for a three-dot Boon? You can skip eating for a few days (a poor man's Divine Fortitude), a single point to L/B soak (Which, by Legend 4, isn't that big a deal) and you don't bleed (certainly useful if, say, you get your arm ripped off or suchnot, but does it come up that often?). It just seems lackluster in comparison to other three-dot Boons like Heal/Infect or Phase Cloak... Should the cost be lowered? Or is there a way to make it comparable?

Greenskin operates on a different premise than a lot of other boons; it's a bunch of small benefits, rather than one large one, so when you compare any one of those small benefits, they of course look, well, small. I agree with you; the soak benefit ain't all that, and photosynthesis can be really awesome but is pretty situational. Greenskin is balanced in large part, however, by the fact that it lasts for days; whereas other boons may be more powerful for single-shot uses, they last for only a scene (or, in some cases, only an action or two), while Greenskin keeps on trucking for the long haul unless a Scion consciously chooses to turn it off. I wouldn't lower its cost at all - 2 Legend for days of effects is a steal.

Greenskin's largest benefit lies in that ability to not bleed out that you noted, which is actually a pretty awesome feature that shouldn't be overlooked. Mechanically, it doesn't just apply to losing a limb or other spectacular gore-fests; it means that when a PC with Greenskin active gets knocked out and has lethal in his last health box, he doesn't start dying. He doesn't have to take dying boxes every few seconds, nor does anybody have to stabilize him. He can lie there in that state forever (or until he naturally heals the damage) if left alone, thanks to the resilient coagulation of his sappy blood.

This doesn't always sound like a big deal - I mean, surely one of your bandmates has to be able to roll a decent Wits + Medicine stabilization roll, right? - but it's wonderful for any case where the Scion isn't near his friends (or not near ones who can stabilize him without killing him by accident) or can't count on outside help, and furthermore it leaves his bandmates free to take other actions like punching out the monster that got him, calling for help or busting a heal on him without having to waste an action stopping the bleeding first. It's saved PCs in our games several times when they managed to get themselves knocked out when their friends weren't around, and it's a very handy insurance policy. Having that power alone for days at a time is worth the price of admission as a three-dot boon in my opinion (though the other little additions are still kind of nice, they're not the main event).

Greenskin's a lot more subtle than one-scene superpowers like Phase Cloak, but it's not less awesome, to my mind. It's just more... planty.

1 comment:

  1. Greenskin is one of my favorites! I can see how it isn't all that useful at lower levels, but at legend 9, Kettila has 18 Fertility boons. That means 18 days of Greenskin for 2 legend! The not bleeding out is really the best benefit and has saved her on many occasions when she's been in a position that no one would be able to get to her in time. At least at higher legends, there's no reason not to have it on all the time.
