Friday, April 27, 2012

Phenomenal Cosmic Power

Question: What are the rules for Relics you use in your games? Do your Scion PCs need to have a Birthright to access each of their parents associated purviews? I noticed in your Annuna write-up that this wasn't the case, but I thought I'd ask!

Oops! I see that poor young Marcus Duke is, indeed, lacking in a Sky relic to allow him to use his boons. That's a mistake; just as in the original rules, we require Hero-level Scions to have a relic to use any given purview (with the exception, of course, of their pantheon-specific purview, since those are always attuned to a Scion and never require a relic). I think I intended Marc to have one, and just lost my way somewhere between writing him up and statting his sheet. Totally my bad.

Anna also does not have a relic to channel Chaos, but since she's a Demigod, she doesn't technically need one. So I get a pass on my scatterbrainedness there.

Edit: As pointed out in the comments, it's not a mistake after all; Marcus and Anna are Scions of the Anunna and have Me, which allows them to use their chosen purview without requiring a relic. I knew I was doing something right somewhere in there.


  1. wait a second Marcus Duke has Absorption of Me (Sky)! Now I may have misread but doesn't that mean he doesn't need a relic for the Sky Purview?

    1. AHA. I'm not crazy! You're correct, Marc doesn't need one because he has Me. Phew - and here I was all thinking I had totally forgotten a fundamental part of character-statting.

      I totally know how the PSPs I wrote myself work, you guys.

  2. You mention that Heroes are required to have Relics for all their Purviews (Me-users aside), but what about Demigods and Gods? How do you guys handle the lessening reliance upon external aids as a Scion grows in power?

    Judging from some things John's said in other posts, y'all don't run 'em RAW.

    1. They don't have to have a relic to channel a purview anymore at Demigod, but not having one does put them at a slight disadvantage - they can't use the topmost level of the purview (for their Legend) and they can't count their maximum Epic Attribute (for their Legend) toward its activation roll. So if Marcus is a Legend 6 Moon user who doesn't have a relic, he can use Lunacy, but he can only count up to his fourth dot of Epic Manipulation when he does so. He can't use Mirror of Lunacy or Mouth of Madness at all unless he gets a relic (though he can still buy them in the hopes that he will do so soon).

      I'm pretty sure that some of these restrictions go away at God, but I'm shaky on them - John, are you out there in the internet cables somewhere?

    2. Nope, keep most of those rules. But you can keep your relics in your terra and use them(unless they are actually something you need to use, use). So if you dont wanna carry around the heart of that dragon that gives you fire, you can leave it in your terra and stil use your fire boons at full powers.

      For all uses of terra above I mean sanctum.

    3. Huh. That seems to be one of the few areas where y'all's rules are less harsh than the normal rules.

      I still feel like if you're trying to use powers that aren't part of your inherent Legend (aren't Associated with your divine parent or (at God) you yourself), then you need an outside source to open to that outside power. A Relic.

      Not totally sure how I would handle the difference between a Demigod acting without a Relic and a God doing so. I'm tempted to say that it doesn't hurt a God at all, but places some limitations on a Demigod, basically as y'all do and the RAW does.

      So I think I'm with y'all as far as Associated Powers go. Just not with un-Associated ones.

    4. Oh, missed John's comment. I like that idea for Gods. Even using un-Associated powers, if they HAVE a Relic in a place like their Sanctum, I could see a connection being strong enough to let them wield the powers even without the Relic itself to hand.

      I might impose the -1 penalty to it though.
