Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Magical Monster Show

Question: How do y'all feel about a character having their Animal Totem be something mythological, like a Mushushu, a Salawa, a Dragon or a Feathered Serpent?

Honestly, we don't encourage it. There are a few reasons (aren't there always?). Let me preface by reminding everybody that we use a pretty narrow version of the Animal purview, where it affects only your singular totem animal, and that animal needs to be pretty specific (Ibis or Owl is okay; Bird is not). A lot of these concerns change depending on how Animal is run by a given Storyteller.

The most major reason is that it renders a lot of the Animal purview useless to its PC, especially early on, and we hate seeing PCs unable to use their boons. Animal (Mushushu) sounds really awesome... until you realize that there are not exactly a ton of mushushu just running around for you to use your boons on, and therefore you're going to end up with half of your Animal boons being totally useless about 95% of the time. You can't exactly talk to mushushu, or boss them around, or eat them, or possess them, or see through their senses, or call them, or any of the other cool things the Animal purview does with its totem, if there aren't any mushushu around to work with - and since legendary beasts are by definition rare, most of the time there probably won't be. Nothing sucks more than buying boon after boon that you can't use because your adventures in the World or in other pantheons' Terrae Incognita, Underworlds or Overworlds probably won't cross paths with that fabulous animal more than 5% of the time.

This can, of course, be mitigated some if you also take a Birthright Creature of the beastie in question, but having a purview that requires an entire extra specialized Birthright just to use sometimes is not playing on a level field with everyone else. By the time you're Legend 8, of course, you can just create your own mushushu to mess around with, but who wants to wait that long to use the majority of their purview? (Also, it adds weird rules considerations: does Create Animal somehow create non-legendary versions of that creature that is only legendary? What does Create Nemean Animal do when your animal is already legendary? And so forth.)

But this does leave PCs crying, "But I want to be able to talk to the dragon/phoenix/kraken we just ran across!", and they're not wrong to want that! So, instead, we fudge Animal slightly for legendendary creatures; if you have a normal Animal totem that is close to the legendary one, you can probably talk to it. For example, we've on several occasions allowed Zwazo Fou Fou, who has many Animal (Hawk) boons, to talk to and interact with rocs; he finds that it's a bit like a Paris native trying to have a conversation with a French-speaker from Tunisia, but they have just enough in common to understand one another. Want to hang out with dragons? Get some Animal (Lizard). Want to be god of unicorns? I suggest Animal (Ibex). Want to swim with krakens? Invest in Animal (Squid) and Whale's Breath. In fact, if you were going to use Create Nemean Animal (Lizard) and stunted really well, I see no reason your created creatures couldn't be basically dragons anyway - there's not much difference between a Nemean lizard and a dragon, so by the time you've mastered lizards that thoroughly, you basically have dragons in your back pocket anyway.

Another reason we prefer not to encourage players to take Animal (Legendary Craziness) is that legendary creatures are by nature more difficult to influence and control than regular ones. It should be much more difficult to order a dragon around or hijack the senses of a salawa than it would be to tell a lizard what to do or see through the eyes of a dog. It's again unfair to the Scion with Animal (Mushushu) if everyone else can use their boons with impunity and he's stuck being constantly slammed with much higher difficulties to get anything done - it's pretty lame when his buddy is wielding bears all over the battlefield and he can barely wrestle one little dragon-lizard into doing what he says for one action. At the same time, however, it wouldn't be fair to the normal Animal-users if the Scion with Animal (Phoenix) was able to boss around legendary creatures like it ain't no thang while they have to struggle to kick Nemean versions of their own creature into gear. It creates a weird discrepancy between PCs when it comes to how powerful the Animal purview is - if you allow it to affect legendary creatures with no restrictions, suddenly it's way more powerful for those who have a legendary totem, while if you don't, suddenly it's way less and it would have been smarter to just get a more garden-variety animal.

Incidentally, while we do let PCs with, say, Animal (Lizard) try to use their mojo on a dragon, it's always going to be a lot more difficult to succeed than it would be if they were trying to influence a normal lizard. But since they get all the normal benefits of affecting lizards anyway, it's not turning them into second-class purview citizens.

The final reason we generally don't encourage it is that there just aren't very many gods associated with legendary beasts in the first place; it almost never happens. Gods very, very rarely have legendary beasts as a totem; the only examples of obvious association are ones in which the god is himself that legendary beast (like Ryujin or Quetzalcoatl). There really aren't things like "god of dragons" or "god of salawas" in mythology the same way that you have a goddess of dogs or a god of crocodiles; those creatures are almost always antagonists or symbols, not a group of creatures that the god is known for doing things with. There's not a single god on Scion's playable roster that I can think of wanting to give a legendary creature associated with the Animal purview.

But who cares about what the gods already have - what about new Scions? They want to do cool things with dragons! And that's totally groovy. One of the great things about Scion is that PCs can be and become whatever they want; if a Scion wants to become God of Dragons, he can certainly do that. There are loads of ways to do so, from Animal (Lizard) shenanigans to using Bestial Nature to give himself dragonish features (trust me, nobody is going to argue with the beclawed and snouted horror that he is actually a lizard and not a dragon), or even using Appearance knacks to round out the effect. I actually had a conversation with John recently in which we noted that, if you wanted to use Bestial Nature enough times, you could eventually shed all your human bits and end up with a fully zoomorphic body (which is awesome). Go on quests involving dragons. Make friends with dragons. Boss dragons around! Campaign for their rights as equal citizens! Whatever a Scion wants to do with dragons, he can do in my book if he can pull it off, and I can't think of any of those things that require him to have Animal (Dragon) as a necessity.

Of course, at the topmost level, Protean Understanding wipes all these concerns away anyway; at that point, I'd certainly allow the Animal purview to affect any legendary creature that could be reasonably termed a beast (though stiffer difficulties for smarter/higher Legend rating creatures would still apply where necessary). Once you're Legend 11 and rocking on with your bad self, all bets are off.

So really, we don't outright disallow it, but it comes with a ton of self-imposed penalties, especially at Hero and low Demigod, and we do take care to remind players of that lest they find themselves disappointed in play. If you're willing to put up with not being able to use the majority of your boons until you're Legend 7 or 8 and you don't have a problem with how you compare to your more normal Animal-using compatriots, then by all means, we'd let you take Animal (Gryphon). More power to you. But in most cases, PCs elect to take a non-legendary animal and find ways to creatively work in legendary aspects until they can make them truth at high Demigod and God, and so far that's worked for us without a hitch.


  1. This seems as good a place as any to ask...

    Of your ten current PCs, nine (I think, at least, that's what it looked like on their character sheets) had at least some Animal Boons. I may be mistaken, but I think that makes it the most popular APP among them.

    Why do you think Animal is so popular with your PCs?

    1. Its two-fold.(three fold)
      1. Fault mine. I love, LOVE animals. All my characters I play have animal. In real life Im just a huge zoophile. Wait, that means something different. I love animals though. I work at the zoo, one day I hope to own a zoo/farm hybrid of awesome. So, players ran into a lot of animal, animal gods did a lot of animal things(animal feature combined with transform person is also an easy prize to give some characters that might want something like that permanently).

      2. Animal is very customizable to your concept. Not everyone has a concept that might include fire, or frost, or healing, but almost any god concept can have an animal that fits with it. And its fun to think about, well im stubborn so this animal fits, or im really complex and witty so this animal fits. Its a purview with infinite versions of itself, i think if fire had infinite versions more people would take it also.

      3. Animal aspect: This fucking boon. Ill fix it....one day. Im really not sure how, but ive brainstormed for countless hours trying to. If you're in a game, and someone else has it, you quickly realize how amazingly powerful it is, and then everyone wants it. Then people spend tons and tons of legend on it(cause its expensive, and useful) and everyone gets fatebound to it. Then, everyone gets even more of it. Never ending cycle.

      I think once I fix animal aspect itll fix it. Atm the hero game has only 1 person with it I think.

  2. I wouldn't count the ones like Terminus that just have a smattering of level 1 Animal - they really aren't doing anything with it. Those are relics of a time in their Hero or Demigod phase where they dabbled, or bought for them by Fatebonds without their input.

    But even if you ignore them, six of the active PCs (Vala, Sowiljr, Jioni, Zwazo, Eztli and Aiona) to use Animal quite a lot - in fact, most of them max it. I'd say that part of the appeal is just that it's so darn useful; Animal Aspect and Feature are useful for anyone, no matter the character concept, and a lot of PCs pick it up high enough to get those even if they're not planning to otherwise make it a focus.

    Having a totem animal is also a very powerful symbol, and players naturally gravitate toward that (it's the reason so many gods have them in myth, too, after all). For example, Vala doesn't necessarily need to be a goddess of animals - that's not what she does, but the raven, with its connotations of death and the occult, is a perfect representative for her and a powerful enough symbol that it's become an integral part of her image. Players like cool, individualized images, and animals are an easy place to find them. Some pantheons also have a stronger connection to the animal kingdom than others and usually express that with the Animal purview - for example, the Pesedjet with their animal physicalities or the Aztlanti with their nahuallis often see it as a cultural priorty.

    And finally, sometimes it's just Fatebonds. Animal's one of the most noticeable and flashy powers out there. Mortals notice when you turn into a bearmonster or suddenly sprout wings and fly. And since PCs are often blowing a big pile of Legend at once on things like Animal Aspect, they have ample chance to get a bunch of mortals Fatebound and convinced that they must be associated with that animal, which naturally leads to more Animal boon purchases and bonuses. Jioni's a good example of this - she didn't start as a spider goddess, but after performing a ritual for Mictlantecuhtli that caused spiders to pour out of her body, she started gaining a reputation for it.

  3. I am not sure if its RAW or even RAI but our ST lets us count Relics for animal as working essentially for any animal so you could start with being Snake guy those first few levels.. and then buy up Dragon stuff at higher ones.

    1. Its a common house rule as far as I can tell. But we dont use that.

    2. I use that, but I'm very flexible on Animal. I use things like "Birds" and "Caniforms" and "Lepidoterae", etc. This may be the result of my heartfelt desire to have Animal be about being the Beastmaster instead of just having a crocodile for a head, but eh.

      I constantly have to fight the urge to turn Animal into Totem and write a new Animal Purview. The reason I don't is that I feel it would be very hard without making Animal pointless.

    3. Beast master gods are so rare though. And as usual the god powers would be incredibly difficult.

    4. I think Beast Master could be expressed in new boons within the hero and demigod range without reworking the entire purview around the new concept.

      It would really depend on what exactly you want from a beastmaster purview that you cannot already express in Scion with knacks/boons?

    5. That's my inclination, also - there are so very few beastmaster-style gods compared to how many single-animal gods there are that reworking the purview so that it suits the bazillions of totem gods less to accommodate the handful of all-animal gods seems backwards to me. We've had a lot of people pick up Beast Shape if they wanted to do a lot with multiple animals, or else just rely on their Charisma + Animal Ken roll (which, if high enough, pretty much gets you the Disney Princess Effect even if you have no way of talking to the critters flocking around you).

      It is an area where I could see new boons being a good addition, however. Just as soon as I figure out what they'd be...
