Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Land of the Free

Question: Why can't America have its own pantheon?

Depends on what you're asking.

If you mean native American mythologies, they do have their own pantheons and many people would really like to see them added to Scion! The core setting comes with only one American pantheon, the Mexican Aztlanti, but there are tons more native religions scattered all across both continents of the New World, from the Inuit gods of frozen Alaska and Canada to the vibrant panoply of North American pantheons (Cherokee, Zuni, Navajo, Algonuin, and a pile more) to the wideflung Inca empire down in South America. There are literally more Native American pantheons you could examine for Scion than there are currently published pantheons to begin with.

The problem is usually that they're so wideflung and that there's so comparatively little knowledge of them that many people aren't quite sure what to do with them for Scion. Some compromise by creating one "American" pantheon with figures from several Native American peoples included, but doing that would be a bit like creating a European pantheon with Thor and Zeus and Manannan mac Lir all part of the same "pantheon". Others just figure out the specific gods they want to use - Coyote and Sedna are popular choices - and don't worry about the larger cosmological world of the Americas. It seems unlikely that White Wolf will release much for the Americas any time soon, but we can always keep our fingers crossed (and, if you feel like it, send them a message to let them know what you'd like to see).

If, on the other hand, you're asking about America in the sense of apple pie, stars and bars, Norman Rockwell and the United States, that question's easier to answer: "America" can't have a pantheon in Scion because it doesn't have one in real life. It literally doesn't. The North American countries are extremely young in Scion terms, founded barely over two hundred years ago, and they have never had their own polytheistic religions the way the ancient territories of Europe, Africa and Asia have. There are no American gods other than the native ones that preceded European settlement, which is why Scion: Companion's Yankee "pantheon" was cobbled together from folk heroes and vague concepts, most of which any Hero-level Scion could equal or top without even having to try very hard. You can certainly do things with American heroes and folklore in Scion, just as you can with any folklore anywhere... but there are no gods or deities in it, so what you can't do is create a compelling divine pantheon that is anywhere close to comparable to the others in the setting.

I've never been quite sure why you'd want to, anyway, when there are so many cool world mythologies still left untouched in Scion. The hell with Johnny Appleseed - show me some Viracocha, Sedna, Erlik and Teshub!


  1. I'm personally a fan of the folk heroes of the United States as children of the older deities.

    Paul Bunyon could easily be a Norse Scion with Babe as a nemean birthright.

    Johnny Appleseed could easily be a fertility/psycopomp child of Demeter with his endless bag of seeds and wandering.

    George Washington could have been an adopted child of Athena much like a potential sibling of Britannia.

    I don't think they're anywhere close to being the Legend 12 gods, though Washington could be a 10 or 11. I mean look at this:

    Seriously. Look at this:

    It's the Dodekatheon bring their wisdom to the United States and it's painted on the ceiling of the Capitol Rotunda. So many possibilities!!

    Minerva teaching Benjamin Franklin, Robert Fulton, and Samuel F.B. Morse

    Neptune holding his trident and Venus holding the transatlantic cable, which was being laid at the time the fresco was painted

    Mercury handing a bag of money to Robert Morris, financier of the American Revolution

    Vulcan at the anvil and forge, producing a cannon and a steam engine;

    Ceres seated on the McCormick Reaper, accompanied by America in a red liberty cap and Flora picking flowers.

    I absolutely love the idea that their children were all involved in the formation of the US.

    I don't think they quite have their own pantheon though. Or at least, not yet. There's nothing really stopping them from making a move for it. Though they'd get smacked down pretty hard.

    It could make for a pretty nifty plot though....

  2. You can go the scion route with Paul Bunyan, but I always painted him as an orphaned Jotun raised without Dark Virtues. :D

  3. I'd either use the pantheon in Companion (and perhaps expanding it) while keeping the deities as more than just Legendary folks but ideas and concepts. The other way would be to make the founders part of the Dodekatheon in its more roman version. Ancient Rome has alot in common with the US after all. There could be a story to be told with the clash of the eras between the first gods and the new thriving deities of America.

    1. The pantheon in companion is horrible. Companion is horrible. Did you read the post? They arent a pantheon or legend 12.
      Also Im not sure that rome had much in common with colonial era america. Maybe now more with our living on overabundance, squashing the poor and taking over the planet. But thats a very short part of our history.

  4. As it is of roman history. Romans began their conquest with self-defense.(agreed, it's not so white-black, there's shades of grey)

    What I was saying is that they could be a pantheon of ideals rather then individuals. Freedom, Independance, Democracy, Citizenship, the Frontier and so forth. If you want individuals, I was saying that the clash between the greek/roman gods and the new uprising american deities would be interesting, as indeed, they have issues. And I'm not just talking about christianity here.

    The idea of citizens taking control of the nation (We the people...) isn't far off greek or republican roman ''democracy''. What I was implying is that the founders and other american icons could be upstart hero/demigods/fledgling gods. They could be a new generation, drastically clashing with their divine parents. American Scions (PCs) could be caught up in this divide. And why not, take place in a revolution of the Overworld and it's regents.

    Don't forget, Rome and Greece had their colonial eras too. As much as I should defend the similarities for my purpose, there will always be 2500-1500 years difference. We can't just compare toe to toe these civilisations (especially since were in one of them). The concepts and ideals seem to match but mankind did evolve in time. I wouldn't blandly mix Jupiter with George Washington without purpose and conflict.

    Then again, they had the best Superbowls ^^

  5. No matter how you spin it, the US has never worshipped any of the founding fathers in the sense of a deity. None of the figures in the Yankee Pantheon ever had cults or temples. Their Legendary Deeds were, at best, Demigod-level.

    So while I do think the Yankees and the Allies make for great Scions, Demigods, Lesser Immortals and Titanspawn.. they are NOT Legend 12 Gods.

  6. I agree, but I was suggesting in the case you would want to make a pantheon of those...
