Wednesday, April 25, 2012

King of Anything

Question: Is Sverrir now a political equal to Odin and other pantheon heads (being king of the Vanir and ruler of Vanaheim)?

Ha ha ha. No.

I mean, in all technicality, you could say that. He could even say it (he probably does). But the fact of the matter is that the Legend 9 king of a pantheon which has fewer than five surviving members, has not been active or taken seriously in centuries, and is probably just going to blow up in its entirety at Ragnarok anyhow is not even in the same ballpark as someone like Zeus or Odin. They'll pay him lip-service, of course, because that's the politique thing to do, but he has no political power whatsoever and everybody knows it.

He does get invited to what John calls the "king-moots" now, though. So he has gained the dubious joy of sitting in a room with a whole bunch of insanely more powerful gods who could wipe his realm off the map and occasionally get to express his completely unimportant opinion. Oh, and he's probably also about to get to field eight thousand offers of marriage from deities who figure it can't hurt to get a little royal blood in the family, so that'll be fun for him (in the same way that dental surgery is fun for all of us).

I'm sure that if he sticks with it, Sverrir will one day be a Legend 12 juggernaut who rebuilds his kingdom to a comparable level of glory with everyone else's - but at the moment, he's kind of playing toy soldiers next to a bunch of dudes with actual armies. He's doing remarkably well with trying to clean Vanaheim up and establish cordial relations with other pantheons' leaders, but he's just a baby in a cruel, cruel political world full of baby-eating crocodiles.

So hurrah for royalty!

1 comment:

  1. lol... he wants to preserve his culture... not rule it...
