Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's Been a While Since Someone Uncomfortably Explained the Origin of Vaginas in Mythology

Okay, vlogging has been challenging this weekend. First, we didn't get a vlog done yesterday, because it was my birthday so we were off doing birthday things instead of working. Then, we filmed a vlog today about abilities (as promised!), but John's iPad is throwing a massive tantrum and failed to render it three times in a row, after which is has now failed to upload it twice and counting. We're trying to get it to behave itself, but it may be a little while coming.

But that's okay, because we have a very special guest star to the rescue: GriffinGuy24, our friend who is a South American mythology wizard, recorded this excellent vlog about the Guarani and their myths, particularly the Amazonian god Yurupari. Some of you may have seen it when he posted the link in our last vlog, but in case you didn't, here it is - go forth and learn about crazy jungle gender politics!

Hooray! I love guest blogs!


  1. A late happy birthday, hope you enjoyed your special day very much. Happy holidays to you and everyone!

  2. It may be too late to wish you a happy birthday, but it's hardly ever to late to wish a very merry unbirthday to you!

  3. Birthdays, awesome! iPad trouble, not awesome! Plug, incredibly awesome!

    Thanks for posting this. It's an honor.

    Now I have to plan another...

    1. Hey, thanks for doing it - we enjoyed watching it. :)

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! And many thanks to Griffinguy24 for his recounting of the truly fucked up myths of the Guarani [and that wasn't even the strangest, was it?]...

  5. Holy carp Griff thanks for sharing more of your cool insight! That was cool to listen to, I hope to see more.

    And happy very belated birthday, can't recall if I said it before so here it is!

  6. This was...amazing. Also mentally scarring. Which is probably a given with this Pantheon. :)

    Great job Griff! Can I request an Inca storytime?

    Also, Happy Belated Birthday Anne!

    And, finally, since it's the night of Christmas Eve here, Merry Christmas everyone! :D

  7. I need to grind for more levels in mythology wizard
