Sunday, December 22, 2013

Custom Jobs

Question: Would you allow a God-level player/character to create custom boons for one or more of their purviews to reflect what kind of god they were? I.e., a scientific-minded god of the Sun, Moon or Stars (or something related) creating a boon or two for those purviews using gravity, radiation or similar effects?

We would not. While we know some games out there do this kind of thing, we never allow players to create new boons (or knacks or spells). The purviews aren't meant to be customized; they represent ancient, primordial powers of the underlying concepts of the universe. If a "custom boon" was resonant enough with the purview's ideas and mechanically and mythologically sound enough for us to accept it, it would just be a normal boon in the purview that anyone could buy.

We've actually written about this before, so you can check out a more in-depth answer here. That question-asker was also thinking about scientific-style boons, so you'll see us address that in there as well.

We do, however, encourage as much customizing with relics (the much better place to invent things that have custom powers that don't fit into any purview), followers, cults and character appearance and behavior as our players' wildest dreams can design and pull off.


  1. I think this single difference is responsible for most other differences I have with John and Anne regarding Scion's systems. I love customizing characters with unique Knacks and Boons and strongly encourage such creations, so long as they're balanced and well-written. Hestia shouldn't have the same selection of Fire Boons that Pele does. John represents that by having Hestia be *good* at different Fire Boons than Pele is, by virtue of which rolls each figure would do well at.

    They both work. But I'm sure John and I will both tell anyone that our way is better.

    1. Yep. But we love ya, so I think we can all postpone the ideological fight to the death. :)

    2. I spent like 5 minutes trying to come up with a pun of Ragnarok that related to ideology. Darn :(
