Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Heroic Holiday Greetings!

Hey, folks!

We asked everyone to do this in the vlog we recorded this weekend... and then of course we still haven't been able to get it to upload, so it remains unhelpfully stored on John's iPad. Someday we're going to get it loaded, probably a week late, and then it will make no sense.

Anyway, we're going to post all the awesome photos we got of everyone with their Secret Scion gifts tomorrow morning! If you got your gift and you'd like to be included, just shoot us an email with a picture of the gift or you with the gift, and we'll add you to the festivities.

Don't get too drunk tonight, y'all. Unless you're celebrating the Dionysia, in which case, bottoms up!


  1. Hopefully you'll edit in photos as others receive

  2. Happy Dionysia!
    I am celebrating in the Bogovi cross-cultural manner by having vodka! :)
