Sunday, December 15, 2013

B-List Actors

Question: You have god profiles for the PCs who've become gods. (As in, their associated Epics, Purviews, and Abilities). Could you give those for the NPCs who've attained godhood? (Unless spoilers make that an issue.)

Well, for some of them I suppose spoilers would make it an issue; some of these guys, like Hachiro Taro Koga or Jay Ortiz, still sometimes function as antagonists for the PCs and probably shouldn't have their stats all spelled out, and others the PCs haven't checked on in a long time (years in some cases) and should remain mysteries to them until they do.

The biggest reason we haven't done that, though, is just mythological confusion for other people using the site. While we originally set it up just for our games, we know there are folks out there who use our family trees and god pages as reference for their own chronicles, and we don't want to confuse anybody with a bunch of gods who don't actually exist outside our own games. Believe it or not, we actually get a decent number of confused inquiries per year from people who want to know what source we found Zwazo Fou Fou in, whether or not Vala is the same as the Vala in the Hauksbok Voluspa (no, although bravo to you researchers who even noticed that), and why when they click on the name of an Aztec god it goes to a page about a Norse guy named Sowiljr.

We try to make it clear which deities on the family trees are obviously PCs rather than figures from a religion - the quickest rule of thumb is that if they have a character sheet, they're a PC! - but confusion remains even so, and it would only get worse if we started adding yet more of our own fictional characters to the tree. Of course, it's our website and we could do that if we wanted to, but currently we're not feeling like the amount of work it would require would really be worth it for our own games, so we see no reason to screw up yours.

Also, we do now have three games set in three different universes, so it would probably get confusing even for us to weed through a lot of NPCs from Universe A when working on things for Universe C, so while we love giving our PCs who have achieved godhood their moment in the spotlight, we probably won't be letting the NPCs join them any time soon. John already knows he's great. He doesn't need the ego-boost.

However, we do intend to get our NPC section fixed and running again at some point here, so hopefully we'll be able to include some fun stuff in the revamping of that. Stay tuned!

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