Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Crazy Gods

Which gods do you think are not batshit nuts by our standard? I mean, the gods that would probably get along with our modern morals and ethics?

There is a big difference between batshit nuts and getting along with modern morals and ethics.
I dont think ANY gods would really be able to agree with modern morals and ethics. Their cultures were so vastly different that across the board modern ethics would be confusing.

What do you mean I cant have slaves? I defeated their city in combat!
What do you mean I cant murder that guy? He killed my dad, I get to murder him.
That guy embarrassed someone in court? Jail forever!

I often see players making the mistake of thinking that the female gods could somehow get along with modern ethics, but its only the male gods who would have "less power" by todays standards who couldnt handle it. But female gods would be just as confused by todays standards. A lot of the advances women have had in modern countries, the goddesses have had forever. Not that goddesses were always treated awesome, or even well, but they were able to speak their mind(usually) and had a much greater effect on the world around them that human women didnt have until recently.

Batshit crazy though? Thats different. Very different. I think it actually ends up depending on your own personal values. Many people find vengeance to be batshit crazy, but to a mediterranean like me.....vengeance extremity seems like a normal course of action. If someone killed my cat, I have no doubt I would hunt them with an axe. And i dont really think Im batshit crazy.

Dionysus, Tezcatlipoca, probably loki(although not in a normal batshit crazy way)...i really Im just naming chaos gods. Maybe only chaos gods are what id consider actually crazy, becuase just having that level of chaoticness is what most people consider crazy....maybe thats just cause we have too much Order bred into us.


  1. There's always Sekhmet for your non Chaos batshit insane Goddess needs.

  2. You forgot the biggest difference between old world gods ethics and modern ethics. The sexual double standard and definition of rape and sexual assault. "What do you mean I can't have sex with her? I'm a god and she's a beautiful woman"
