Thursday, June 6, 2013

Doctor Danger

Question: Hey, John and Anne, or Jo-Anne, as it were. Just wondering why you nerfed Dian Cecht to only having Health? And why does he now have so many enemies?

Man, Joanna is my sister. You've made this weird.

Anyway, one of these is a question we've already answered in olden days. Dian Cecht's nerfment was discussed over here, and it's pretty simple reasoning. He only has Health because he only does Health.

As for his enemies, that's also pretty simple. Dian Cecht is notorious for being insanely jealous and spiteful against anyone who might rival him for the title of Most Awesome Doctor, to the point that he killed his own son for being better at prosthetics than him and then punished his daughter and made human herbal medicine next to impossible for most people when she dared to get upset over it. His enormous enemy list is just a list of all the other major healing gods in the world; any and all of them would not only be rivals to his self-proclaimed title, but people he would probably intentionally take action against to stack the deck in his favor or punish them for presuming to doctor on his turf.


  1. Also, the GBN system lets a Legend 9-11 god have other epics and purviews at equal level without them being associated.

    So Dian Cecht could have epic intelligence 8, or epic stamina 8 in your own games.

    1. True fact, DC could technically be rocking 8 in several Attributes (and purviews, for that matter) without having them associated. It's not that he can't be good at stuff, just that he isn't one of the Most Cosmically Powerful Representatives of a lot of stuff.

  2. Anne and Joanne? Wow, your parents weren't that creative were they.

    1. Wow, you're able to summarize the entire life of two people you have never met from a single offhand comment? You must be a real genius with a great job!

  3. I very high Perception, friend. I'm also somewhat of an admitted douche that loves to make quick opinions about others.
