Sunday, June 30, 2013

Orisha Housekeeping

Question: So, love the site, and truly appreciate all the work you guys do in researching the mythologies and pantheons. What I wondered was this: is there any way I can get an easier to read version of the Oruba? The downloadable pantheons you have are great for ease of reasing, but the family tree format is a bit tougher when you just want to look the entire pantheon up at one time. Thanks!

Question: Which Ori boons can a Bogovi Scion use with Dva Dukhom and Dvoinobog?

A little Orisha housekeeping! As the only pantheon that we've done in quite that format - written directly for the site instead of for PDF - it has a few weird wrinkles that others don't.

To start with, there is indeed no PDF version of the Orisha. They weren't the same kind of pantheon project we normally do, like the K'uh or Elohim; instead of writing a new pantheon from scratch, we were in a sense updating one that already existed in the game line, much as we'd edited and updated the Aesir or Pesedjet. It was just on a much more ambitious scale than usual, being as it was an update from the modern Loa to the ancient Orisha and an addition and serious overhaul of the entire pantheon and PSP. But that does mean there's a lot of new stuff in all kinds of different places on the site and it's not centralized conveniently anywhere. Bummer.

We weren't planning on doing a full PDF for the Orisha, partly because it's a lot of extra work and partly because it would lack a lot of the things we normally include in PDFs, such as a Titanrealm, Birthrights and extra non-Legend-12 gods. But we can definitely see that having it all in one document would be helpful. Quick experiment: how many of you would find that useful? I'm happy to whip something up, but it'll be higher on the priority scale if more people would be using it.

As for the second question... holy crap, it's definitive proof that we're the worst RPG game tinkerers ever. Way back when we released the Orisha (which was in March, for god's sake), we said, "Oh, hey, we have to figure out how the Slavic PSP interacts with the Yoruba one, we'll have that done as soon as possible!" Then we didn't do it, because we're terrible. And then we forgot we were even supposed to be doing it, because we're awful. Way to fail, us.

So I'm putting it on the Do It Now, Dummy list to make sure we do it soon, and our profound apologies to everybody. Sorry for sucking.

Anybody got any other Orisha issues, while we're at it?


  1. I would love even a bare bones Orisha pdf!

  2. I would find it very useful.

  3. Ogun's abilities are not in alphabetical order. Specifically, Control should precede Craft.

  4. More stuff is always a good thing, but I think there are higher priority projects than an Orisha PDF. Maybe put it on the voting block?

    1. Hmm, that might be a good approach, thank you.

  5. Question about Oshosi. Everything I read about him he is somehow referred to as a God of justice. Did you feel their was not enough to give him justice. Does being called a god of something not enough to have it as an associated.

    1. Justice was on our options for Oshosi, but we eventually decided not to run with it because it doesn't seem to be something he actually does. His association with justice is tied to his archery and hunting, as in he hunts down the wicked, and to a few myths in which his arrows unerring kill those who have transgressed (including his own mother). But all that stuff is already covered by Marksmanship/archery skills and probable relic arrows, and he doesn't seem to do any actual judging or active use of Justice boons that we can see.

      If you were going to add anything to Oshosi, we would definitely make it Justice; in the end, it came down to a judgment call, with me slightly on the side of him having Justice and John slightly against it. I wouldn't lose any sleep if you considered it associated for him.

      Being called a god of something is usually a point toward getting it associated, especially if being called that is frequent or widespread, but it doesn't necessarily guarantee it all on its own.

  6. I would definitely find it interesting so that we can understand of the relationship between the other 5 main pantheons and this new one is replacing the loa as well as their overworld and underworld  and Titan because the Drowned Road seems to fit more loa Pantheon and the slave trade.

    1. We probably won't be writing the missing parts of a traditional supplement right now - too many other projects going on (although new Titanrealms are winning the poll right now!). This would be just collecting the current info - the pantheon, the PSP, their relations with other gods - in one place for easier reference.

  7. A handy list of the orisha that made the trip over to the Voodoo and Santeria religions would be useful to tell the different god titles apart from each other.

    1. Hmm, that's true. That'd be an extra project to add onto PDF'ing it... but would be neat.

  8. As it is, while a bare bones pdf that's just compiling all the existing info would be relatively simple to get dons, it seems unnecessary. Most can be learned by reading all the god pages. That energy could be better spent on a different project.
    Admittedly, a full pdf would be desirable, with the titanrealm, relationship with other pantheons, lesser gods and antagonists, and a few birthright examples. That would require, in purely scientific terms, a shitton more time and work though, and sounds unlikely. If so though, could be a poll topic for the future, not like there aren't enough potential projects as is.

    1. Very scientific terminology, I totally dig it.

      I agree, a poll topic is a good idea. Some of that stuff will also be happening as part of other projects (theoretically), though - Titanrealm project will eventually include the Orisha opposition, that elusive stat-all-gods project would include some lesser deities, and so on.
