Saturday, October 13, 2012

Playing Barry White in the Overworld

Question: Which god-level Scion currently has the most active libido? I know Sowiljr and Jioni played the field a lot as mortal heroes but have pruded up as gods, hence the question.

I cleaned up your question a bit, anonymous, because it was worded in a way that came off as less than respectful. No hard feelings, though.

I suspect this question is more for the players than for us; I mean, I know who tends to have the most active sex life (Jioni - sexytimes with Erebus are always on deck), but I wouldn't know if Folkwardr secretly struggles with unbridled passion or anything like that. There are only the four gods running currently, and all of them are faithfully married; Jioni and Erebus see each other fairly regularly, but Folkwardr hardly ever sees Ahouva, and Sowiljr tends to hold Eztli at arm's length (whether it's because he's afraid of having another giant basket of babies or hesitant because she's a bat-monster is unclear). Of the god-level PCs who only recently departed, Yoloxochitl had firmly regressed to childhood and entirely sworn off icky adult things like sex and romance, Terminus was married to Circe and reasonably afraid of suggesting much boudoir time considering their history (but even more afraid of even thinking about cheating on her), Aiona only remembered that sex existed when someone else having it was inconveniencing her, and Vala had never had a romantic relationship as far as anyone knows. The only other person you could really call libidinous was Zwazo, who definitely did try to woo the ladies when the opportunity presented itself and has a lot of little mini-Zwazos wandering around the world in various places, but was often too distracted by things like monsters and confusing African politics.

Just like most mythic figures, they run the spectrum from virginal and uninterested to passionate and excitable. It all depends on their personality and image as deities.

Incidentally, while Jioni quite enjoyed choosing her lovers as she went as a Hero and Demigod, Sowiljr's tomcatting days came to an abrupt end as soon as he married Eztli at around Legend 5 or so, so he really can't compete in that arena. (Not that that is having any effect on the seemingly endless parade of divinely attractive ladies bent on making him give it another try.)


  1. Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme...Beauty and the Bat.

  2. To whomever keeps asking these somewhat creepy questions about the sex lives of the characters, please stop. It's somewhat creepy!

    1. I can see being curious about mythological concerns with sexuality, but NOT about the player-characters. It's kinda uncomfortable to know that someone's really THAT concerned over the IC antics between folk's characters.

    2. Their players are gunna start walking around with tinfoil hats...

    3. There IS a good side to these creepazoid questions...

      See, there are times where we wonder about the choices we make in life. There are times when we wonder if we're doing enough to contribute to human society. There are times when, in essence, we feel like shit.

      Then, a question like this comes up on the blog. And suddenly, we're the Dalai Lama.

    4. ^This man....

      This man above this post, man.

      He deserves a Cheesecake with his preference of topping. I recommend Red Velvet cake.
