Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Too Much or Not Enough

Question: Is there such a thing as too over the top in Scion?

That depends entirely on what you mean by too over-the-top. Like any game (or anything you do with a group of other people, for that matter), there's always a line that the group as a whole may not be comfortable crossing. Violence and sex are the big trigger buttons that every group has to handle differently depending on the comfort levels of the players and Storyteller; some groups may not be worried about exploring the torture a Titanspawn minion inflicts on its victim in gruesome detail, while others may find the specifics unnecessarily horrible and off-putting. There's also always the matter of tone, as well; if your game group is playing a session with a horror and suspense ambience and one player keeps trying to move things toward slapstick, that, too, can be too over-the-top for the specific situation, as can hogging the spotlight with your antics so that other players don't get a chance to participate in a scene. Making a decision on what is and isn't too much is always subjective and depends on what you're doing and what others at the table are cool with - everybody needs to be comfortable and having fun for a game to really succeed.

But if you mean in terms of power scope, heavens, no. One of the most beautiful things about Scion is that, within the game world, nothing is ever too much. Scion stories are about doing the impossible, performing feats that could never be aspired to by anyone else and changing the very fabric of reality and legend to suit you. There's no upper limit to what you can do and be in Scion except for your own imagination and preferences; in a game where your goal is to become literally the most powerful beings in existence, trying to pretend that any mad, off-the-wall path you take to get there is invalid is ludicrous. In fact, it'd probably be hard to come up with something that is more over-the-top than actual mythology; if you can think of it, odds are some god or hero somewhere has already done it, or contemplated doing it, or threatened to do it. It's actually pretty hard for players to top the insane, often nauseating antics of folks like Kokopelli.

Scion is by its very nature unlimited, which is one of the most wonderful things about it. You should never forget that you're playing with other people and that their fun and comfort are as important as your own, but as long as everyone's doing great, the sky's the limit.


  1. I was going for scope. going over the top with the relatively low level power of beginning heroes.

    1. What do you mean by over the top, exactly? Heroes have limited powers, but if they can reasonably pull something off with those powers, I don't think they should be stopped from doing so. I wouldn't let someone do something a boon clearly doesn't have the capability to do, but if they come up with a creative or cool way to use something, I'd sure let them take a shot at it.

  2. Limiting Heroes is a mistake, really. Anne's post/comment is right on the money. Heck, in MIST the characters started out by outrunning a landslide, then went into a duel for pack alpha with Krieger's werewolves, and finally escorted King Arthur back to Avalon to fight off a Persian army before they hit demigod. Not once did someone go "hey, maybe this is /too/ over the top."

    One of the best things I learned as a Scion ST is to just take an idea - no matter how crazy- and roll with it. It's worked so far!

    1. I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall for some of those sessions!

    2. You're in luck, Anne. I'm making an actual play on the official forums! :D

    3. Sweet! Now I can internet stalk you for game purposes!
