Friday, February 17, 2012

Le Gaulois

Question: Could you post the Nemetondevos PDF onto the download page, or at least give a description of their godrealm and underworld?

Alas, I cannot.

While such miscreants as the Anunna, Bogovi and Elohim are our own inventions, allowing us to put them up for download to any of you who want them, the Nemetondevos are not. They were actually written by the fine writers at Biblioteque Interdite, the French gaming company that distributes Scion in France, and officially published there with White Wolf's permission. Any free PDF copy of their work posted for download would be a bootleg, and we don't support bootlegs; we want the rockstars that write these things for us to get paid for all their hard work!

While you can see some details in English on the Nemetondevos on our site here, what you see is of course edited from the originals, just like everything else on JSR; the associated powers of the Gaulish gods and pantheon-specific purview of Deuogdonio have been tinkered with and rewritten for our use, so nothing here is the same as what you'd find in the actual Nemetondevos supplement. We won't be posting details on their cosmology, antagonists or other goodies, simply because doing so would be treading dangerously close to infringing on BI's ability to make sales.

Unfortunately for those of us who parlez only the Anglais, this means that the full low-down on the Nemetondevos is only available to French-speakers who are willing to purchase the Scion Storyteller Screen from overseas. That's not most of us, but if you're really interested in seeing the Gauls in print in English, it absolutely couldn't hurt to drop White Wolf a line and tell them so. You never know; if all of us send them a polite note asking for something, they just might realize that we're game to grab it if they put it out.

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